Kestrel, willow warbler and eared grebes

29 April 2013.

After 28 April, still in the Drents-Friese Wold nature reserve.

In the garden, a singing blackcap.

A song thrush. Tree sparrows.

A pied wagtail.

To the Grenspoel lake.

Tufted ducks. Black-headed gulls on an islet.

Barn swallows flying low over the water.

Grey lag geese with goslings.

A walk around the Aekingerzand “sandy desert”.

A female kestrel on a treetop. Then, flying.

A pied wagtail.

A woodlark sings.

A male kestrel in a treetop. Then, he flies to a stump, Back to the tree. Back to the stump.

Kestrel with prey, Aekingerzand, 29 April 2013

At least once, he catches a prey. Apparently, a big insect.

Skylarks singing.

Willow warbler, Aekingerzand, 29 April 2013

A willow warbler.

A northern wheatear on a bush.

Sheep, Aekingerzand, 29 April 2013

Near the watchtower, a sheep and a lamb.

Back at the Grenspoel lake.

Black-necked grebes, Grenspoel, 29 April 2013

Black-necked grebes swimming.

Black-necked grebe diving, Grenspoel, 29 April 2013

Often, they dive.

In the forest, a red squirrel crosses the bicycle track.

Near a restaurant in Appelscha, two rabbits on a meadow.

Male chaffinch. Tree sparrow. Robin.

33 thoughts on “Kestrel, willow warbler and eared grebes

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  30. Goedemorgen

    Deze vogel ( zie foto’s) vloog onlangs tegen een raam en komt wat bij
    op mijn hand, vliegt na enige tijd gelukkig weer weg!!Kunt u mij
    misschien schrijven welke vogel het is, ik kom er niet uit, jonge
    tjiftjaf, jonge fitis, vliegenvanger?

    Bij voorbaat dank Met vriendelijke groet

    Annelies Hoogstede

    Nico: Ik maak er een fitis van (lichte pootjes).


  31. Pingback: Dutch northern wheatear news | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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