Worldwide pro-climate strikes, 20-27 September


July 24, 2019

Press Release: Millions gear up for global climate strikes in September

Organisers say that it is on course to be the largest global mobilization against climate breakdown.

This music video from Austria says about itself:

UNITY – Fridays For Future

This song was written for you and the lyrics and chords are posted here for you to learn and sing.

The writing of UNITY was inspired by the actions and strength shown by Fridays For Future Vienna. We have a vision that this song will be sung by people all over our planet raising their voices for our futures together!

The press release continues:

Millions will take part in global climate strikes on the 20th + 27th September, and the “Week for Future” in between. Organisers say that it is on course to be the largest global mobilization against climate breakdown, with over 6000 people in 150 countries pledging to organise events to date.

The weeklong movement will surround the UN Climate Summit being held on the 23rd of September in New York, which aims to meet the climate challenge by accelerating actions to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

A video recorded by Greta Thunberg, Bill McKibben and others calling on people to join the climate strikes was released this morning.

“It is time for world leaders to wake up to the truth of the climate crisis. By demonstrating people’s power we will make this week a turning point in history. The climate crisis is an emergency. We have to act like it so we will stop our business as usual and show governments what people want: climate justice. This September, millions of us will walk out of homes and workplaces onto the streets and demand an end to the age of fossil fuels”, say school strikers.

The range of actions is huge: from people downing tools and walking out of work to join strikes, rallies, music concerts and marches. From teach ins in libraries, people’s assemblies discussing actions and policies benefiting their local communities, protests targeting fossil fuel companies responsible for the climate crisis, and the banks that fund them; to spending the day raising awareness in communities and pushing for solutions to the climate crisis that have justice and equity at their heart.

“This shouldn’t be just the children’s responsibility. Now, the adults also need to help us. We are calling for them to strike from their work, we need everyone. There is nothing we can’t do, if not you, then who else, if not now, then when?” Greta Thunberg

Support for the strikes and week of future has been growing with parents, academics, bakers, trade unions, doctors, farmers, caretakers, celebrities, and teachers among those organising for September 20-27.

Unions across the globe are building solidarity with the school strikers and are now gearing up with inspiring action plans to support the climate strikes.

Pioneering companies and banks have also declared themselves closed for business, so employees can join youth strikers in the streets.

Throughout the week the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice will also take hundreds of actions around the world as part of its annual Reclaim Power mobilisations calling for the transformation of the energy system.

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Press contact: / +447770881503


“I am joining the strikes because I believe it’s time to resist and to take charge of the future that belongs to us, not to the fossil fuel companies.“ A.G. Saño, Philippines – Artist

“I support the climate strikes to push climate leaders to act for a brighter future for everyone.” – EKPE Dzidodo Koudjo, Chairman of VIVAS FM, a farmer solidarity organisation, Togo

“I’m going to participate in the Global Climate Strikes on September 20th because I believe it’s our responsibility to take care of our house.” Flávia Rugai Freire, Brazil School Striker

“We need you to be a part of it because we need every age involved Young people have been leading here but now it’s the job of the rest of us to back them up.” Bill McKibben

“Millions of people we work with are already living with the devastating consequences of climate change. For communities across South Asia struggling to survive extreme monsoon rains, floods and landslides, and those in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe whose farmland was destroyed by Cyclone Idai, the climate crisis is part of their everyday lives.

Climate justice means supporting our sisters and brothers in the global south who are already suffering. It’s time for the wealthy countries who have done the most to cause climate change to step up by cutting emissions and providing finance for those most impacted.

We’ll be working with young people, indigenous communities and rural women – whose experiences are too often overlooked – to rise up and demand climate justice.” Harjeet Singh, ActionAid’s global lead on climate change

“Young people are calling for adults, from trade unionists to those working in the health services, right the way across the UK to join the Global Climate Strike in September.

This will be a pivotal moment to make sure that those in positions of power hear our voices loud and clear; we need urgent action on the climate crisis immediately. Which is why we’re calling for equitable solutions like a Green New Deal that will have economic, social and climate justice at its heart.” Ali Shadjareh, London, UK Student Climate Network

“We stand with the youth who are taking a stance today and raising up their voices to be able to have a real impact.” Joey Bergstein, CEO, Seventh Generation

“We should act immediately, regardless of governments, corporations, or individuals.” Steven Ko CEO of O’Right

“At Lush, we’ve always championed environmental justice, and a just transition to renewable energy. We are acutely aware of the urgency of the climate crisis and that’s why we’re participating in the Climate Strike. From now until September we’ll be motivating our customers to join us on the streets and demand that global leaders take bold steps to safeguard our futures.” Brandi Halls, Director of Brand at Lush Cosmetics.

Multinational corporations aren’t going to give up anything unless we fight. This is a fight for ourselves, for our future, and for future generations. This is a fight for justice for all: workers, students, parents, teachers, conservatives, liberals, socialists, and everyone else. We can fight against climate breakdown, and we can fight against environmental destruction. We need to all be part of this, or else the establishment won’t budge. We can do this, if we do this together.” Evan Cholerton, Earth Strike International

“Climate breakdown is one of the greatest human rights issue we face. It means food supplies failing, fuel shortages, dwindling access to drinking water, and homes being swallowed by the sea. It means forced migration and worsening resource conflict. It means more frequent and ferocious natural disasters. Protesting against climate breakdown is about much more than emissions and scientific metrics – it’s about building a just and sustainable world that works for all of us.

The world needs a global ‘green new deal’ that tackles the root causes of inequality and the climate crisis together. We need a deal based upon the principles of climate justice and universal rights for all.” May Boeve

I encourage all to support the Global Climate Strikes on September 20th and September 27th to demand immediate climate action. We need everyone on the streets both days to show solidarity for those who are fighting the climate crisis and those who are currently affected by it. This goes beyond tracking emissions – we need to be equally protecting the Amazon and Indigenous peoples as well as make changes to have clean, safe water and land for all animal life. See you on the streets. – Andrea Shaw, Earth Strike

Students led the way, but it’s time for workers to join in. Make no mistake: this is our last chance. As wildfires multiply and food security is already being threatened in some regions, we realize it’s not only our future, but our present safety that’s at stake. Governments must act. And if they don’t, we intend to do whatever’s necessary to force their hand.” François Geoffroy, La Planète s’invite au Parlement

“We need world leaders to wake up to the truth of the climate crisis. And because we don’t have a single year to loose, we’re going to make this week a turning point in history. We young people have understood that the climate crisis is an emergency. And We ask Everyone to act like it, to stop business as usual with us. This September, millions of us across the globe will join us on the streets to demand the end of empty commitment but real change and real climate action””, Luisa Neubauer, Fridays for Future Germany

For years our political “leaders” have delayed real action to tackle climate change with empty promises and dangerous distractions while our communities on the front line suffer the consequences. We need radical change to the global economic system but it’s not going to come from the top. That’s why we must step up our efforts to build the power of our movements around the world and hold those responsible for this crisis to account. We are mobilising to demand that all countries do their fair share of climate action, that rich industrialised countries repay their historical climate debt, that corporate polluters are held to account and prevented from doing further harm, and to reject false solutions in favour of people-led natural climate solutions. We demand an end to fossil fuel subsidies. Keep them in the ground!’ Lidy Nacpil Demand Climate Justice

From, on the Netherlands:

This is a call to action for all people, parents and kids, students and working people, retirees and grandparents: to join the first general strike for the climate on the 27th of September. Leave your schools and your offices, the universities and the stores and take to the streets with us in The Hague.

The current [Dutch] climate agreement is not enough, it’s not just enough and it’s not in accordance with the Urgenda verdict [in which the Dutch government was convicted in a court for neglecting the climate]. We demand a Dutch Green New Deal with fair and ambitious climate policy to tackle the climate crisis effectively.

This climate strike is being organised by a large coalition of organizations in the Netherlands and is part of the largest international climate mobilization in history. Building on the successful youth strikes which started almost a year ago, young people and adults will strike together for the first time to demand a livable and just world, for now and for the future.

We are calling on everyone to join. Everyone is welcome and everyone is needed. Share this event with your classmates, colleagues, fellow students, and family; call and message your friends! Together we will make the climate strike massive!

Fridays For Future Netherlands – Earth Strike NL – Extinction Rebellion NL – Code Rood – Fossiel Vrij NL – Jongeren milieu actief (JMA) – Teachers for Climate NL – Students for Climate NL

Looking for partners and volunteers:

We will need all the help we can get in the coming weeks. Pupils and students, bus drivers, farmers, organizations … Join in and help make the climate strike the biggest ever. Register your organization as a partner or volunteer here.

TOP CLIMATE DENIER MYTH UP IN SMOKE The argument that CO2 emissions from fossil fuels benefit humanity has become a favorite among climate contrarians. And just like so many other go-to talking points, this one is wildly inaccurate, as a United Nations report drove home this week. [HuffPost]

Spain: CGT Anarchist [Trade] Union [Federation] Joins the World Climate General Strike Sept. 27th: here.

34 thoughts on “Worldwide pro-climate strikes, 20-27 September

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  13. Climate change is an existential threat to our country and to the entire world. If we do not act boldly and aggressively to transform our global energy system away from fossil fuels within the next few years, there will be irreparable harm done to the planet.

    That is why today we are releasing our plan for a Green New Deal. It is the most bold, progressive plan to actually confront the challenge of climate change and stop it. And I am asking for you to say you support it.

    Please add your name to say your support our Green New Deal — a plan that declares climate change an emergency, and that takes bold, unprecedented action to save our planet.

    Today I went to Paradise, California to see the damage inflicted less than a year ago by the devastating, climate change-fueled Camp Fire that destroyed 14,000 homes and killed 85 people.

    What I saw there made clear that unless we take major action to combat climate change, what happened in Paradise will continue to happen all across the country and the planet.

    Make no mistake about it. The climate crisis that we face today is similar to the enormous challenges faced by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1941, when the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor.

    Faced with battling a world war on two fronts — both in the East and the West — the United States came together, and within three short years restructured the entire economy in order to win the war and defeat fascism.

    As a nation and as a planet, let us stand together and boldly embrace the moral imperative of addressing the climate crisis and mobilize the political will necessary to make massive investments in sustainable energy, energy efficiency, and a transformation of our transportation system.

    Today, I am proud to be releasing the most comprehensive and progressive climate change platform of any candidate running for president in the history of this country.

    The Green New Deal is not going to be a way for billionaires and corporations to create even more inequality — but it will be a way for us to build an economy that works for all of us.

    Let me very briefly tell you what is in this plan.

    Transforming Our Energy System

    A Bernie Sanders administration will eliminate all of the fossil fuel industry’s tax breaks. We will use that revenue to make massive investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable energy.

    We will then use that revenue to meet the recommendations of climate scientists by moving to 100% renewable energy for electricity and transportation by 2030 and decarbonizing our economy by 2050.

    We are also going to move to a full-employment economy and create 20 million new jobs in the process. These jobs will be good-paying, union jobs building the new electric cars and high-speed rail systems that we need, weatherizing millions of homes and buildings, rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure, and generating sustainable energy.

    Ending the Greed of the Fossil Fuel Industry

    When we are in the White House, the era of fossil fuel greed is over.

    That means, among other things, that we will end all of the ways taxpayers currently subsidize and support the fossil fuel industry. We will immediately end all new and existing fossil fuel extraction on federal public lands. We will ban fracking and mountaintop removal coal mining.

    And let me tell you something else that we are going to do. We are finally going to end the fossil fuel industry’s legal immunity.

    Make no mistake about it. What the executives of Exxon Mobil and other fossil fuel executives are doing is exactly what the tobacco industry did when it lied about the health risks associated with smoking — conduct that led to federal racketeering convictions.

    That is unacceptable. When I am president, I will appoint an Attorney General who will finally hold the executives at Exxon Mobil and other fossil fuel companies accountable for their criminal behavior.

    Adaptation and Just Transition to the Green New Deal

    When we talk about moving away from the fossil fuel industry and towards renewable energy and energy efficiency — we are talking about the need for a just transition for workers in the fossil fuel industry.

    Let’s be clear: Coal miners are not our enemy. Workers on oil rigs are not our enemy. Fossil fuel workers are doing everything they can to feed and take care of their families.

    For decades, their pensions have been cut. Their health care benefits have been slashed. Their jobs have disappeared. Their communities have been destroyed. All the while, executives at fossil fuel companies get richer and richer and richer.

    That is unacceptable. Fossil fuel workers deserve a just transition. They deserve a decent job. And the communities that have been destroyed by the fossil fuel industry must be rebuilt.

    We will ensure that fossil fuel workers receive a living wage, re-training, a good job and a secure pension. And we will create millions of jobs rebuilding our roads, bridges, and water systems, constructing community centers, restoring our wetlands, and substantially expanding our capacity to fight forest fires and respond to climate emergencies.

    How We Will Win

    I would be lying to you if I said any of this is going to be easy.

    This plan to save our planet would be difficult enough on its own. It will be even more so because of the amount of money the fossil fuel industry will spend to protect the profits they make from destroying our planet.

    But we know that we cannot allow the greed of fossil fuel billionaires to destroy our planet and our kids’ future for one second longer.

    Make no mistake. Failure is not an option. Unless we take the action necessary to save our planet and reverse climate change, our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are going to look back on this period in history and ask a very simple question: Where were they? Why didn’t the United States of America, the most powerful nation on earth, lead the international community in cutting greenhouse gas emissions and preventing the devastating damage that the scientific community was sure would come?

    Winning this battle will be tough. But this is what I believe.

    If we stand together, we can end the fossil fuel era that has brought us to the brink of an unprecedented disaster.

    If we stand together, we can transform our energy system and create 20 million good paying jobs in the process.

    If we stand together, we can create an economy free of carbon emissions.

    If we stand together, there is nothing, nothing, nothing that we cannot accomplish.

    Will you stand with us today and say you support the Green New Deal?

    Add your name if you agree we must pass this Green New Deal to take unprecedented action to save our planet from the effects of climate change.

    Let us go forward together and do it — future generations are counting on us to leave this planet healthy and habitable.

    In solidarity,

    Bernie Sanders


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