Stop arms fair in London, England

This 7 September 2019 video from London, England says about itself:

Stop DSEI 2019: Climate Justice

Fossil fuel resources are captured and controlled using arms. Communities, whose lands are rich with fossil fuels are displaced by governments and corporations using arms.

Environmental destruction and increased greenhouse gas emissions are inescapably part of modern warfare, enabled by the arms trade.

The fossil fuel and arms industries feed off each other, creating massive wealth for a small number, at the cost of millions of lives and ecological destruction.

Day five of the Stop DSEI week of action was for Climate Justice.

This 6 September 2019 video from London, England says about itself:

Stop DSEI 2019: Conference at the Gates

In a day of collective (un/)learning we talked about the arms trade as a manifestation of state violence and racism, and the role of corporations in educational institutions like universities – through arms company funding, influencing syllabus content, and recruitment. Our liberation is collective, so our resistance must be too.

This September 2019 video from London, England says about itself:

Stop DSEI 2019: No to Nuclear

War Starts Here. This is where we stop it. On Day three of the protests to Stop the DSEI arms fair: No to Nuclear activists gathered to highlight and challenge the presence of nuclear arms manufacturers.

3 thoughts on “Stop arms fair in London, England

  1. Pingback: War profiteers accused of war crimes | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Dictatorships buying at British arms fair | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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