Al Qaeda massacre of Syrian Druze

This 2008 video is called The Druze Religion.

From daily The Morning Star in Britan:

Syria: Jihadists slaughter 30 Druze villagers

Friday 12th June 2015

SYRIAN anti-government militants linked to al-Qaida have massacred some 30 Druze villagers.

The killings happened on Wednesday in the Druze village of Qalb Lawzeh in the Jabal al-Summaq region after the Nusra Front tried to seize the home of a Druze government official.

The militants shot a villager dead, prompting another to grab one of the fighters’ rifles and kill a member of the jihadist group.

The Nusra Front group later returned with reinforcements and opened fire, killing dozens of residents.

Syrian news agency Sana said that 30 died in the “horrible massacre,” including five members of the same family, adding that the Nusra Front burned down several homes.

Lebanese Druze leader Sheikh Naim Hassan condemned the killings and said that efforts were being made to “contain this regrettable and painful incident.”

Syrian civil war: Jabhat al-Nusra’s massacre of Druze villagers shows the group is just as nasty as Isis. The incident last week suggests that the US have let the al-Qaeda affiliate off lightly: here.

Trial collapses after threatened exposure of UK backing of Syrian terror groups: here.

Al-Qaida affiliate ceases fighting Isis in parts of Syria: here.

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