British nazis’ swastika-daubing attack on mosque

This music video from Britain is called Steel PulseKu Klux Klan 1978.

From the Daily Mail in Britain:

Swastika and racist graffiti saying ‘EDL‘, ‘KKK‘ and ‘NF’ daubed on windows and walls of mosque that is still being built

Yobs broke into Redditch Central Mosque in Worcs early this morning
Used paint from builders’ cabin to spray vile messages on walls and six windows

Rafaqat Hussain, chairman of mosque, said there was so much graffiti it was like the thugs had ‘gone through the racist handbook’ …

The racist graffiti is not the first time the mosque has been targeted. An arson attack caused £3,000 of damage in July 2006.

Arsonists were also blamed for another fire, which which was set at the front door of the mosque last January. …

Six windows of the mosque were daubed in blue paint with the initials ‘EDL’, ‘KKK’ and ‘NF’ (National Front) as well as crudely drawn swastikas.

Yobs also scrawled the word ‘Paki‘ on the walls of the prayer room. …

The attack comes just five days after detectives in Walsall, West Midlands, launched a major hate-crime investigation when a small home-made bomb exploded near a mosque.

Around 150 people were evacuated from their homes in the Caldmore area of the town on Saturday night while bomb disposal experts made the device safe. …

Last week, two men were charged in relation to an alleged arson at a mosque in Gloucester, and an Islamic cultural centre in Grimsby was hit by petrol bombs last month.

Mosques in Braintree, Essex, and Gillingham, Kent, have also been targeted.

From the Redditch Standard:

[Police Superintendent] Kevin Purcell said: “For as long as I can remember the relationship between the Muslim community in Redditch, the police and the wider community would best be described as excellent.

“Due to incidents happening nationally targeted patrols have been put in place and these will now be further increased as we will not tolerate mindless attacks of this nature.

See also here. And here.

The Neo-Nazi thug who killed a grandfather and bombed three mosques was driven to kill by far-right paramilitary groups and racist Dynamo Kiev fans, it has been revealed: here.

DON’T SELL RINGS WITH SWASTIKAS ON THEM. Not a good idea, Sears, not a good idea. [Talking Points Memo]

54 thoughts on “British nazis’ swastika-daubing attack on mosque

  1. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award, thanks theseeker! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Anti-Muslim graffiti painted on mosque

    Tuesday 02 July 2013

    Racism: Police appealed for information today after an offensive slogan was daubed on a wall at a West Midlands mosque.

    Council workers removed the graffiti from the Mosque and Islamic Centre in Plant Street, Cradley Heath, shortly after it was found on Monday.

    Superintendent Bas Javid, from Sandwell police, said: “Officers have a good relationship with the mosque and we are working with them to reassure them that we take this type of graffiti seriously.”


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