Racists jailed in Scotland

Symbol of hate ... racist Paul Newlands of the Scottish Defence League shows off swastika body art on the web, inset

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Bacon-throwing pair jailed for racist attack on mosque

Saturday 21st June 2014

A MAN and a woman who threw bacon at a mosque in Scotland were jailed yesterday for their part in the racist attack.

Douglas Cruikshank and Chelsea Lambie flung the meat, which Islam forbids Muslims from eating, at the window of Edinburgh’s Central Mosque and wrapped it around door handles on January 31 last year.

Prosecutors told Edinburgh Sheriff Court that they and a third person were associated with the racist Scottish Defence League.

Wayne Stilwel, 25, from Gorebridge, Midlothian, previously admitted his involvement and was sentenced to 10 months in September.

Mr Cruikshank was yesterday sentenced to nine months in jail while Ms Lambie received a year in a young offender institution.

“Prejudice and bigotry have a corrosive effect on our nation and we will maintain our zero-tolerance approach towards such crimes which will continue to be investigated carefully and prosecuted robustly,” prosecutor John Logue said.

2 thoughts on “Racists jailed in Scotland

  1. Pingback: Scottish racist fined by court | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Scottish Jewish-Muslim anti-racist solidarity | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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