Mosque opens doors after fascist threats

This video from Britain is about EDL nazis.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Mosque fights racist threat by throwing open doors

Monday 27 May 2013

A Yorkshire mosque has responded to racist threats by throwing open its doors and inviting in the public, writes Peter Lazenby.

The mosque in Bull Lane, York, learned that fascist English Defence League (EDL) thugs planned to target it following the murder of off-duty soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich by two self-proclaimed “jihadists.”

Muslims across Britain were among those who condemned the killing, but the soldier’s death has been exploited by the EDL, British National Party, National Front and other fanatics to attack mosques, make racist attacks and fight with police.

When users of the York mosque heard of the EDL threats they decided to stage an open day.

Around 100 local people responded, dwarfing a tiny gathering of EDL supporters nearby.

Mosque elder and York University Professor Mohamed El-Gomati said: “Rather than have a shouting match outside we invited people in to have a discussion and show solidarity over a cup of tea with us.”

3 thoughts on “Mosque opens doors after fascist threats

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