Nazi vandalism in the Netherlands

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Swastikas on buildings in Moordrecht and Dordrecht

A primary school in Moordrecht, near Gouda, has been vandalized with swastikas, racist slogans and obscene drawings. Local residents share photos via social media.

Swastikas were daubed on doors of primary school De Achtbaan. There is also a picture of male genitals on a door. On a picnic table in the schoolyard is the text ‘Heil Hitler‘ and a wall was provided with the letters ‘KKK‘ (Klu Klux Klan). …

A swastika was also placed on a building in Dordrecht. The perpetrators had stuck the symbol with tape on a door of a scouting complex. According to RTV Rijnmond, also during the night from Saturday to Sunday, vandalism was committed and there was a burglary.

The RTV Rijnmond photo shows not only a swastika, but also the letters ‘WP‘ (=’White Power‘, a slogan first used by US American nazi leader George Lincoln Rockwell).

2 thoughts on “Nazi vandalism in the Netherlands

  1. Pingback: Nazi vandalism in the Netherlands — Dear Kitty. Some blog | Art History blog

  2. Pingback: Nazi violence in Chemnitz, Germany | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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