Greek Golden Dawn nazis deny Holocaust

This video from Greece says about itself:

About the Holocaust and Golden Dawn

June 3, 2013

The film “The Holocaust of Memory” of journalist Stelios Kouloglou was part of the official programme of the 15th anniversary edition of the Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival.

Golden Dawn MP Christos Pappas revealed the truth behind the party’s ideology, last Wednesday during a parliamentary session. Christos Pappas wrote a text praising Hitler and claimed it to be “the writing of our youth” and then added that nationalism is “the future of the world”: here.

The Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece has welcomed statements by famous Greek composer, Mikis Theodorakis, which have strongly condemned Holocaust denial in the country: here.

On August 8, three Golden Dawn members of the Greek parliament visited the Perama ship repair yard to supposedly engage with workers on the issues they face. They came along with a handful of black-shirt clad party thugs: here.

More than 30 criminal cases involving Golden Dawn MPs and members are to be investigated by the judiciary, possibly under stricter laws relating to criminal organizations, as the government seeks to place a legal stranglehold around the far-right party in the wake of the murder of rapper Pavlos Fyssas by one of its supporters: here. See also here.

Neonazi provocations in Giannitsa (Northern Greece): here.

Bertell Ollman, a professor of politics at New York University, appeals for solidarity on behalf of a Greek scholar facing legal threats from the fascist Golden Dawn party: here.

List with the most significant fascist attacks across Greece the last months: here.

A “hardcore” Golden-Dawner with strong presence in public nationalist gatherings of the party’s youth is the 26-year-old former personal driver and bodyguard of the party’s General Secretary Nikos Mihaloliakos: here.

Billionaire venture capitalist ridiculed after comparing the treatment of rich Americans to the Holocaust: here.

91 thoughts on “Greek Golden Dawn nazis deny Holocaust

  1. Euro commissioner rejects racism fears

    Tuesday 25 June 2013

    European Union: Commissioner Michel Barnier hit out yesterday at a French minister who criticised the commission arm, calling his remarks “absurd.”

    French Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg had accused European Commission president Manuel Barroso at the weekend of fuelling far-right groups through austerity policies.


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  8. Strong rumours abound that Golden Dawn is funded by at least one shipowner. Its MPs have repeatedly proposed in parliament the granting of tax concessions to Greek shipowners to encourage them to hire Greek-only crews and to repair their ships in Greece.

    A reliance of Greek shipowners on anti-democratic methods to enrich themselves is nothing new. Colonel George Papadopoulos, eleven months after the 1967 military coup that brought him to power, visited the Greek Shipowners Union and in a speech declared, “Come to us and tell us what you want us to do. I assure you that the government will grant your wish.”

    Free to draft their own policy, shipowners created the most favourable framework in history including total tax exemption at the port of Piraeus.

    Golden Dawn is a creation of the capitalist state. Many police officers, particularly within the riot control department, are Golden Dawn members. At least half of the police in Athens voted for the fascists at the last election. Its leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, has close ties to the state. While in prison during the 1970s, he personally met the leaders of the military coup and, according to a document uncovered by WikiLeaks, was later on the payroll of the KYP, the State Service of Intelligence, later EYP, the Greek Intelligence Service.


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