Cook Islands whale research, video

This video says about itself:

Whale Researcher Nan Hauser: Using Science to Inform Smart Policy – Conservation International (CI)

June 6, 2013

Nan Hauser is a marine biologist and Conservation International Marine Fellow who works in the Cook Islands studying whales and dolphins. Her amazing, fascinating studies have generated some of the most eye-popping footage of whales you’ve ever seen — and they also helped spur the creation of one of the largest protected areas on Earth.

Nan is working with CI to develop the Cook Islands Marine Park. This 1.1 million-square-kilometer (425,000-square-mile) park, bigger than Alaska, will help protect the islands’ tourism industry, which accounts for 70 percent of the national economy. And it will help keep a way of life alive for Cook Islanders, now and for generations to come.

Nan’s love, devotion and force of personality are all helping her make a massive difference, using her research to keep our oceans blue.

This video says about itself:

Rugby player Kevin Iro knows how to bring a team together. As the driving force behind the Cook Islands Marine Park, he envisions a place equally managed by all who depend on it.

1 thought on “Cook Islands whale research, video

  1. Pingback: Conservationists in Suriname, Guyana, Cook islands | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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