Greek anti-Semite vandalizes Holocaust monument

Desecration of the Holocaust memorial in Athens, June 2014. Photo credit: Monis Halegoua

From Against antisemitism blog in Greece:

Desecration of the Holocaust Memorial in Athens

29/06/2014 / DiKra

A vandal desecrated the Holocaust Memorial in Athens last Friday (27/06). The vandal quoted the antisemitic book “The Talmud unmasked”. Specifically, the passage reads: “The Talmud article Hilkhoth Akum (2,X) [sic] says: Baptized Jews are to be put to death”. A peculiar threat against the synagogue follows but its meaning is rather obscure. The text seems to have been signed by a well-known convicted murderer, Mattheos Monselas, who lives as homeless in the surrounding area. The desecration has not been reported until now in any Greek media.

Berlin: Antisemitism in Greece: Past and Present Trajectories Conference July 7th/8th: here.

Greek Golden Dawn MP appears in court as more photos of party No. 2 emerge: here.

The repeated references against the Jews and the World Zionist Movement, as revealed in a press article, made by MP Stavroula Xoulidou of the “Independent Greeks” party, represent the usual dissemination of prejudices and stereotypes that when prevailed in history they led to the persecution of the Jewish people and ultimately to the Holocaust of 6 million Jews: here.

On December 23rd, 2014, the Jewish Cemetery of Larissa was vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti signed by “Larissa Skins”: here.

5 thoughts on “Greek anti-Semite vandalizes Holocaust monument

  1. Pingback: Anti-Semitic violence in Belfast condemned | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. MPs consider Holocaust law

    Greece: MPs have begun debating draft legislation to outlaw Holocaust denial and expand prosecution powers against the incitement of racial violence.

    The move follows scores of violent attacks against immigrants.

    Draft legislation will be voted on later this week to allow the prosecution of racial abuse without requiring victims to take action. Convictions would carry a penalty of up to three years in prison.


  3. Pingback: Stop anti-Semitism | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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