Greek Golden Dawn nazis news update

This video from New York City in the USA says about itself:

Golden Dawn, NYC (short documentary dir. Richard Ledes) 2014

10 June 2014

NYC Greeks vs. Nazi Greeks!

A short documentary film about the neo-Nazi party in Greece known as Golden Dawn and how the New York City Greek Community is confronting it.

Filmmaker Richard Ledes decided to find out what the Greeks of New York City thought about the extraordinary rise of the party. Placing Golden Dawn in the context of the price America has paid previously for complacency in the face of the rise of Nazism in Europe, Ledes starts by conducting interviews at the Greek Independence Day Parade on Fifth Avenue. The film combines man-on-the-street interviews at the parade with conversations with religious leaders, activists, heads of national organizations, the judiciary, intellectuals and members of the media.

Join us for further discussion on the official Facebook page.

Golden Dawn is threatening academics, activists and other Greek Americans in New York: here.

Book on Golden Dawn translated into French: here.

Golden Dawn wants ‘one-party state’: here.

Pogrom Punk: The Greek neo-Nazi rock bands boosting Golden Dawn’s rise: here.

Panos Garganas argues that fighting the fascist Golden Dawn in Greece must go hand in hand with fighting against austerity: here.

In a decision that could mark the end of Europe’s most violent neo-Nazi force, a Greek public prosecutor on Thursday demanded that Golden Dawn’s entire parliamentary group stand trial for criminal offences: here.

Athens 1944: Britain’s dirty secret. When 28 civilians were killed in Athens, it wasn’t the Nazis who were to blame, it was the British. Ed Vulliamy and Helena Smith reveal how Churchill’s shameful decision to turn on the partisans who had fought on our side in the war sowed the seeds for the rise of the far right in Greece today: here.

On this day, 70 years ago, December 3 1944, a huge demonstration of communists, progressives and democrats in Syntagma Square in Athens was attacked by British soldiers: here.

A video by reporting agency Eurokinissi depicts a Greek Navy Seals (OYK) detachment shouting extreme right-wing slogans during the annual March 25 Greek Independence Day parade in Athens: here.