Greek news update again

This video from Greece is called Thessaloniki Gay Pride Parade 2014.

From Greece, there is not only news about Golden Dawn nazis.

A report by parodiederutopie of the Thessaloniki Pride held in the city on June 20 – 21 2014:

Taking into account the increased vote in favour of the Golden Dawn Nazis as well as the overall extreme-right shift in Greece, the mere election of a progressive mayor in Thessaloniki could not guarantee a successful Pride. Fortunately, this was not the case and thousands  of LGBT people crowded the streets of the city, offering a spirited reply to mainstream society and its fascist, racist and homophobic majority.

The internationalist solidarity between gay and transgender people across the Balkans, the radical content of the speeches offered as well as the most anticipated parade of the sexual and gender diversities suppressed in Greece by phobic attitudes, fascist attacks, governmental policies and the police brutality, offered a major political event for public expression and human rights demonstration. Among the several events organized prior or during the Thessaloniki Pride, we should especially mention the pink triangular memorial wreath offered in front of the Jewish Holocaust Memorial.

Thessaloniki’s bishop condemns homosexuality as ‘perversion of human existence’: here.

Arrests of anarchists near Greek Prime Ninister’s house: here.

28/6/2014: In prisons all over Greece, detainees are intensifying their protests against the introduction of a new bill by the Ministry of Justice, which proposes the creation of high security prisons. Since last Monday, more than four thousand prisoners have gone on hunger strike and the number is rising by the day, in what is the largest mass hunger strike to day. ‘Hunger strike is the ultimate tool to express opposition, but it also manifests accurately our desperation’ the detainees said to ‘Sunday Ethnos’, who also expressed their determination to see their cause to the end, while some of them, mainly immigrants, went to the extreme of sewing their lips: here.

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