Svalbard phalaropes, snow buntings, and king eiders

This video says about itself:

A Red (Grey) Phalarope in Recherchefjord, Svalbard, 23 June 2014. Footage taken with an iPhone 4S through Swarovski STS80 spotting scope, with a Kowa TSN-IP4S adapter.

Spitsbergen, 3 June 2013.

As I wrote, we did not see ivory gulls at the eider duck nesting colony.

So, we continued to the east, into the Adventdalen valley.

Still much ice on the water, though it has started to melt.

Grey phalarope, Adventdalen, Svalbard, 3 June 2013

A female grey phalarope. With phalaropes, females are more colourful than males. The males do the breeding and they care for the chicks.

Grey phalarope in marsh, Adventdalen, Svalbard, 3 June 2013

Pink-footed geese.

Snow bunting male, Adventdalen, 3 June 2013

And, of course, Svalbard would not be Svalbard without snow buntings flying around and singing.

Snow bunting male, Adventdalen, Svalbard, 3 June 2013

Purple sandpiper, Adventdalen, 3 June 2013

Purple sandpipers.

Purple sandpiper resting, Adventdalen, 3 June 2013

Also male and female king eider ducks, on the southern side of the road, far away.

Male king eider, Adventdalen, 3 June 2013

On the northern side of the road, a lake with two red-throated divers swimming.

Male and female king eiders, Adventdalen lake, 3 June 2013

In this lake, also male and female king eiders, along with common eiders.

Male and female king eiders, in Adventdalen lake, 3 June 2013

And a male long-tailed duck.

45 thoughts on “Svalbard phalaropes, snow buntings, and king eiders

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