‘Love my bombs or you’re a terrorist sympathizer’, David Cameron says

David Cameron's anti-Corbyn propaganda, cartoon

From daily The Guardian in Britain today:

David Cameron accuses Jeremy Corbyn of being ‘terrorist sympathiser’

Prime minister urges Tory MPs not to vote with Labour leader and ‘a bunch of terrorist sympathisers’ against Syria airstrikes

Government admits there could be extremists among David Cameron’s ‘70,000 moderates’ in Syria. Mr Cameron’s official spokeswoman said the situation on the ground was not ‘black and white’: here.

By Patrick Cockburn in British daily The Independent today:

Britain is on the verge of entering a conflict in Syria in which its political and military strategy is based on wishful thinking and poor information. British air strikes in Syria will be too few to make much difference to Isis, but are important because they signal Britain’s entry into what may be a long war.

In one crucial respect, David Cameron’s approach is similar to that which saw Britain fight two small but unsuccessful wars in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2003, in both cases without an effective local partner on the ground. Similarly in Syria, Britain will be at the mercy of events which are being shaped by the numerous other players in the conflict, all of whom have their own highly contradictory agendas.

People are joking that Sir John Chilcot might as well get started on the Syria war inquiry now: here.

32 thoughts on “‘Love my bombs or you’re a terrorist sympathizer’, David Cameron says

    • Yes, indeed! Apart from Big Oil and other imperialist motives, and the view often found among Conservatives that all problems can supposedly be solved by throwing bombs on them, David Cameron tries to start this war abroad for petty domestic party political reasons. He wants revenge for his defeat in parliament in 2013, when he tried to start a war on Syria which would have made Britain allies of ISIS. And he wants to attack the Labour Party by setting Blairite MPs against Corbyn.

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  1. Pingback: War on Syria, British parliament vote today | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. There’s only one bomb we need: one to drop on Westminster when it’s full of the warmongering Tories. No more British war criminals would be akin to the beginnings of world peace!

    I’m confused though, as to how supporting Syrian refugees and believing that they have every right to begin a new, safe life away from Daesh (another bugbear of mine: our press decided to name these terrorists after the Egyptian Goddess of love and protection and I refuse to call them anything but what they name themselves) makes me – or anyone else sympathetic to their plight – a terrorist sympathiser in Scameron’s world. But the man has never made sense to me…


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