Stonechat, skylark and meadow pipit

After 1 May in the Drents-Friese Wold nature reserve, comes 2 May.

Male stonechat, 2 May 2013

On the edge of the Dolderdumse veld heathland and forest, a male stonechat sits on a shrub.

Doldersumse Veld, 2 May 2013

This photo shows the favourite habitat there of stonechats, heathland birds.

Flying skylark, 2 May 2013

A skylark singing and flying. Skylarks’ problems in agricultural land in Drenthe: here.

A kestrel. A buzzard.

A tree pipit. Probably the same one as a few days ago.

In Wapserveld reserve, a yellowhammer sings.

Brimstone and orange tip butterflies.

Skylark, 2 May 2013

In a meadow, a skylark.

Meadow pipit, 2 May 2013

Later, in another meadow, a meadow pipit.

Back in the garden, a female pied fly-catcher sitting on a table.

Habitat use and diet of Skylarks (Alauda arvensis) wintering in an intensive agricultural landscape of the Netherlands: here.

26 thoughts on “Stonechat, skylark and meadow pipit

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