France’s Macron helps rich, insults workers

This video says about itself:

French protest Macron’s new labour laws

23 September 2017

Unions and supporters of the left-wing opposition in France are gathering for the latest in a series of protests against the president’s new labour laws.

They say Emmanuel Macron is destroying workers’ rights. …

Al Jazeera’s Natacha Butler reports from Paris.

From daily The Independent in Britain:

Macron tells workers protesting job losses to ‘stop wreaking f***ing havoc’

‘Stop stirring s*** up’, the President added

Harry Cockburn

Thursday 5 October 2017 16:03 BST

French President Emmanuel Macron has generated outrage in France by telling protesting workers battling to save their jobs to “stop wreaking f***ing havoc”.

Mr Macron was visiting a training centre in central France, where workers from GM&S car parts factories were protesting.

As the President spoke, some of the GM&S workers demonstrating outside the building became involved in confrontations with riot police. …

[Macron] accused them of “stirring up s***”, French language website reports.

The President has faced repeated claims he is a “president of the rich”, and this week scrapped France’s symbolic wealth tax, immediately sparking remonstrations from opposition parties and unions. …

The move has also caused unease among Mr Macron’s centrist majority.

Yachts, private jets, race horses, race cars or gold ingots are no longer included in the new wealth tax. That can’t be,” Joel Giraud, an allied lawmaker charged with steering the budget through parliamentary committees told Le Parisien.

“These kinds of symbols must be taxed much more. A yacht is bling-bling. It isn’t productive for the economy”, he added.

Under Mr Macron’s recently unveiled budget, corporation tax is also due to be reduced to 25 per cent by 2022 – a substantial drop from its current level of 33 per cent.

“These tax measures from the right wing will have a brutal and violent effect on worsening inequality”, former socialist economy minister Michel Sapin told Paris Match magazine on Tuesday.

31 thoughts on “France’s Macron helps rich, insults workers

  1. Pingback: French President Macron gets more right-wing | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  3. In France, pensioners have demonstrated at the old port in Marseille. The gathering last Thursday was in protest against the steady decline of their disposable income. Pensioners in France represent nearly a quarter of the population, numbering between 16 and 18 million.

    Food bank collections were set up at over 200 stores in the Alpes Maritimes with people able to donate food on Friday and Saturday. Figures show that last year nearly two million people were able to benefit representing the equivalent of 210 million meals.

    Mayors across France have stated their worry at increasing financial cuts and the effect this may have on their coffers. The suppression of the taxe d’habitation has reportedly not helped, while districts are said to be feeling the strain of the end of assisted contracts too. This, as well as other pressures from the state, have reportedly put many Mairies in uncertain financial situations.

    The region of Auvergne appears to have been hit especially hard. Two mayors from the region said they were worried and angry about the future of their area. Hervé Prononce, mayor of Cendre (Puy-de-Dôme) feared for the financial future of his 5,000-inhabitant town; while Bernard Pasciuto, mayor of the 20,000-inhabitant town of Cournon-d’Auvergne, alleges his Mairie has lost 2.8 million euros in public funds in the last four years.

    ‘We are in the position of not being able to hire anyone, but we are being asked to do a better job; it’s impossible to do,’ Pasciuto said. The news emerged ahead of the 100th Congress of Mayors, which took place in France last week. Many sought to make sure President Emmanuel Macron was aware of the straitened circumstances, and wanted to open a dialogue with him over how to improve the situation.

    • France’s CGT union announced on Saturday that it will file a complaint against Leroy Merlin ‘for insults and misuse of the interim on Saturday’. A CGT statement said: ‘We had already relayed the letter from the Federation of Commerce to the Minister of Labour, regarding the registration of employees of Leroy Merlin, and the insults brought by the management of the logistics warehouse of Leroy Merlin Valence, against temporary workers.

    ‘Two months later, the response of management has not satisfied the workers so the CGT branch of Leroy Merlin, decided to file a complaint. ‘“Vicious”, “idler”– these were some of the qualifiers used by the management of the Leroy-Merlin logistics platform of Valence in the Drôme. After the discovery of this scandalous file, the management had not given a satisfactory answer to the staff representatives.

    ‘The heads of services who acknowledged having written these insults are still stationed in Leroy-Merlin. The CGT therefore decided to file two complaints, one for insult, the other for misuse of the interim.

    ‘The dramatic thing is that not only are they in place, and they do not apologise to all the staff but in addition to that, they smile broadly, grinning, when they hang out on the platform,’ said Karim Bacheri, central CGT delegate of the Leroy Merlin group.


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