British Theresa May ‘against terrorism’, is she joking?

This video from the British parliament says about itself:

Corbyn confronts PM May over Saudi Arabia violations

26 October 2016

Britain’s Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn confronted Prime Minister Theresa May over Saudi Arabia’s continued membership of the UN Human Rights Council.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

May in hot water over terror after G20 posturing

Sunday 9th July 2017

PM calls for financing shutdown of Isis at G20, but MPs slam her Saudi links

THERESA MAY was branded a hypocrite yesterday for calling on world leaders at the G20 summit in Germany to cut off funding streams for terrorists which are being channelled through financial institutions.

The Prime Minister warned that extremist group Isis is using loopholes to build up funding and called for the banking system to take aggressive action to shut them down.

But Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn — who has made repeated calls for terror funding to be cut off — challenged her to get serious about terrorism by ending her cosy relationship with Saudi Arabia and other despotic Gulf states.

Taking about Ms May and terrorism, Corbyn might also have mentioned the recent deal of May’s Conservative government with the homophobic misogynist religious fundamentalists of the Democratic Unionist Party, linked to paramilitary gangs guilty of terrorist murders of hundreds of Northern Irish people for being Roman Catholic. Ms May funded that deal with £1,5 billion in British taxpayers’ money plus £20,000 for flying the DUP leader back home in a RAF military aircraft.

Saudi Arabia has spent billions on British arms and is also the world’s biggest supporter, financial backer and exporter of extremist ideology.

Mr Corbyn said: “She should publish the suppressed report on foreign funding of UK-based extremism and have difficult conversations with Saudi Arabia, not hug Saudi and allied Gulf states even closer.”

Ms May is yet to release a report, commissioned by former PM David Cameron, which looked at revenue streams for extremist groups that was due to be published last spring.

Green Party co-leader Caroline Lucas questioned whether the “astonishing” delay in revealing the report, likely to be heavily critical of Britain’s relationship with Saudi Arabia, is connected to maintaining diplomatic ties.

In a speech at the G20 talks in Hamburg, Ms May said information about the movement of foreign fighters leaving Syria and Iraq should be shared internationally so that they could be tracked.

She also told leaders that measures must be taken “against permissive environments for terrorist financing.”

The Tories’ own record however, when Ms May was home secretary, saw British-based suspected terrorists cultivated by MI5 and allowed to travel to and from destabilised countries in North Africa and the Middle East for war.

They were encouraged by British government agencies to join forces that were battling to topple Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi and to join al-Qaida-affiliated groups in Syria.

Manchester bomber Salman Abedi travelled to Libya, as did members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), proscribed as a terrorist organisation in Britain despite previously being funded by MI6, which is part of an “al-Qaida-inspired” movement aiming to create a “hardline Islamic state” in Libya.

British members of the group — known as the “Manchester boys” — were deemed high risk by the government and were subject to control orders as recently as 2011.

When signs emerged of an uprising against Gadaffi however the control orders were lifted, many had their passports returned and some were allowed to board flights to the Libyan capital Tripoli.

Mr Abedi is reported to have been placed on a terrorist watch list by the FBI last year. MI5 were allegedly warned that he and his group were looking for a “political target” in Britain.

He was allowed to re-enter Britain before he carried out the Manchester Arena nail-bombing which killed 22 concert-goers, many of whom were young girls.

Britain has licensed £3.3 billion in arms to Saudi Arabia since it began bombing Yemen in 2015, during which at least 10,000 people were killed. Around 80 per cent of the remaining population is reported to be starving.

Campaign Against Arms Trade has taken the decision to sell Saudi Arabia weapons to the High Court. A judicial review decision is expected on Monday.

16 thoughts on “British Theresa May ‘against terrorism’, is she joking?

  1. Pingback: British Conservatives stab Theresa May in the back | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Thursday 13th July 2017

    posted by Morning Star in Editorial

    ORANGE Lodge deputy grand master Harold Henning accuses republicans of trying “to rid Northern Ireland of any semblance of British cultural identity.”

    These “militant cultural imperialists,” as Henning dubs them, seek to win through an Irish Language Act “what republicans failed to win with bomb and gun.”

    He told a July 12 rally to commemorate the Irish Catholic Jacobites’ military defeat by the papacy-supported William of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 that this nefarious scheming “must be resisted by our elected representatives whom we have just recently mandated to represent our interests and those of the union.”

    These are the 10 Democratic Unionist Party MPs propping up the Theresa May government.

    DUP MPs require little Orange Lodge encouragement to pursue a divisive agenda, turning their backs on the Good Friday Agreement’s “mutual respect” and “parity of esteem” formulations.

    Henning’s choice of words in bemoaning the likely cost of setting up Irish-language schools and having bilingual traffic signs — normal throughout Wales and in some areas of Scotland — is quite instructive.

    He complains that “our taxpayers” would foot the bill, as though voters for Sinn Fein and other parties supportive of an Irish Language Act pay no tax.

    In any case, the Westminster government has just bunged an annual billion-pound-plus bribe to Stormont to safeguard Theresa May’s job, so finance shouldn’t be an issue for a handful of schools and some pots of paint.

    In a similar way, Henning demeans the long-accepted requirement for “equality and rights” in Northern Ireland by referring to it as Sinn Fein’s “Trojan horse,” underlining his and his organisation’s preference for when the six counties statelet was run as an Orange rotten borough.

    The only positive aspect of the DUP negotiating coup that bamboozled the Tory Party is that it provides an opportunity to shed light on the party and its ideological standpoint.

    Prior to yesterday’s marches and rallies, Eleventh Night witnessed the usual array of huge bonfires, with Irish tricolours and nationalist and Catholic symbols consigned to the flames.

    Effigies of republican leaders in coffins, including the recently deceased deputy first minister Martin McGuinness and hunger-striker Bobby Sands, were also tossed onto the blazing pyres.

    One innovation this year was the attachment of a banner to the bonfire in Avoniel Leisure Centre car park in east Belfast, which proclaimed: “Scott Sinclair loves bananas.”

    Sinclair is a black footballer who plays for Celtic and was subject to racist abuse by a Rangers supporter at an Old Firm derby in April and subsequently on social media.

    What kind of organisation believes that compounding a racist crime by attempting to belittle the victim is acceptable?

    Doubtless, we shall be regaled by an assortment of respectable leaders — Orange, DUP, Tory — voicing their sadness about the Sinclair banner, but none will explain why it found its way onto the pyre.

    To merely pose the question is the first step towards asking about the intrinsic nature of a statelet based on two-thirds of the Irish province of Ulster.

    While the working class shares similar concerns of jobs, housing and living standards as its counterparts in Glasgow, Cardiff, Liverpool or Dublin, one section remains wedded to their political leaders’ “British values” of monarchism, religious intolerance, notions of supremacy and racism.

    These are the Tories’ chosen allies, pledging to sustain in Britain the same capitalist austerity agenda that afflicts all working people from whatever cultural or religious heritage in Northern Ireland.


  3. Monday 17th July 2017

    posted by Zoe Streatfield in Britain

    SECTARIAN throwbacks of the Orange Order have caused outrage after images emerged yesterday of members dressed up for halloween in a variety of offensive outfits.

    A snap from fancy-dress competitions at one of the ultraconservative British unionist organisation’s lodges in Airdrie showed a man and woman dressed as Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun accompanied by children dressed in rags with a yellow star of David.

    Another photo showed a man dressed as the Pope with a noose round his neck, while another competitor had blacked up, wearing an Afro wig, straw skirt and bones around their neck.

    Two members were portrayed as sexually assaulting a cuddly toy dressed in a Celtic shirt.

    Director of anti-sectarian charity Nil By Mouth Dave Scott said the images were “breathtaking in their ignorance,” adding that “anyone who thinks it is humorous to dress up like Hitler and have kids appear alongside dressed as Jewish children headed for a concentration camp lives on another planet.”

    Mr Scott called on the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland to take action against members involved.

    Show Racism the Red Card education worker Gillian Eunson said the behaviour was “racist,” “unacceptable and offensive.”

    The Facebook group where the photos appeared to promote the activities of the Orange Order has been deleted but details have been forwarded to police.

    The revelations have sparked fears about what forces could be unleashed following Prime Minister Theresa May’s grubby deal to maintain a parliamentary majority with Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party, which commands strong support among the Orange Order.

    A spokesman for the Catholic Church in Scotland said the photographs revealed an “extremely disturbing and hateful attitude towards Catholics and other faith minorities” and warned official figures showed that religious hate crime was at a four-year high.

    A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said: “The information has been passed to relevant officers to establish the facts and identify any criminality.

    Police Scotland takes all reports of hate incidents seriously and will investigate such reports appropriately and proportionately.”

    The Orange Order took to social media to condemn the bad press as a “baseless agenda to attack and demonise our Protestant culture and heritage.”


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