‘Blairite anti-Corbyn British Labour coup because of Iraq war’

This 2010 video from Britain is called Blair rakes in money from Iraqi oil while Middle East peace envoy.

By Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan (sacked for his opposition to the Uzbek regime’s human violations by the Blair government, cronies of the bloody Uzbek dictator Karimov) and Rector of the University of Dundee in Scotland:

It’s Still the Iraq War, Stupid

26 June 2016

No rational person could blame Jeremy Corbyn for Brexit. So why are the Blairites moving against Corbyn now, with such precipitate haste?

The answer is the Chilcot Report. It is only a fortnight away, and though its form will be concealed by thick layers of establishment whitewash, the basic contours of Blair’s lies will still be visible beneath. Corbyn had deferred to Blairite pressure not to apologise on behalf of the Labour Party for the Iraq War until Chilcot is published.

For the Labour Right, the moment when Corbyn as Labour leader stands up in parliament and condemns Blair over Iraq, is going to be as traumatic as it was for the hardliners of the Soviet Communist Party when Khruschev denounced the crimes of Stalin. It would also destroy Blair’s carefully planned post-Chilcot PR strategy. It is essential to the Blairites that when Chilcot is debated in parliament in two weeks time, Jeremy Corbyn is not in place as Labour leader to speak in the debate. The Blairite plan is therefore for the parliamentary party to depose him as parliamentary leader and get speaker John Bercow to acknowledge someone else in that fictional position in time for the Chilcot debate, with Corbyn remaining leader in the country but with no parliamentary status.

Yes, they are that nuts.

If the fault line for the Tories is Europe, for Labour it is the Middle East. Those opposing Corbyn are defined by their enthusiasm for bombing campaigns that kill Muslim children.

See also here.

Thousands of Jeremy Corbyn supporters march on Parliament against Labour Party leadership challenge. The Labour leader called on people to unite together to oppose racism: here.

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