Headscarf, miniskirt, together against bigotry

This video from Belgium says about itself:

Muslim Girls Sent Home For What They Were Wearing

1 June 2015

In Belgium, 30 Muslim schoolgirls were sent back home on Friday, May 29, because they were wearing long skirts. The principal said it was a new rule, but he let them back in on Monday, skirts and all. Some are calling it religious discrimination.

Today at the railway station. A teenage girl, wearing a long headscarf; probably an Islamic hijab. She had her arm affectionately around the shoulder of the girl of about the same age next to her. Was that girl next to her her sister? A friend? I don’t know. I do know that other young lady did not cover her hair, and had a miniskirt on. Both young women smiled happily.

This was not a political demonstration at all. Still, a really good rejoinder against bigots who want to ban hijabs, miniskirts, maxiskirts, any types of skirts, trousers, shorts, whatever. Whether in Israel when it is forty degrees centigrade hot; in ‘new’ Libya; in France; in Belgium; or wherever.

41 thoughts on “Headscarf, miniskirt, together against bigotry

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