Geert Wilders joins Dutch Hitler fans in anti-immigrant march

This 1942 video is about Heinrich Himmler, leader of the German nazi SS, visiting the headquarters of the Dutch nazi party NSB.

The Dutch extreme right organisation Pro Patria marched on 10 August 2014 to the Schilderswijk, a neighbourhood in The Hague where many immigrants live. The aim of that march was to provoke fights.

On 20 September, they intend to march there again.

According to the Facebook page of the Dutch Nederlandse Volksunie (NVU) nazis, the boss of Pro Patria is Paul Peters. Peters used to be a NVU member. However, then he vandalized a Jewish cemetery in Oosterhout, smashing some tombstones and daubing swastikas and nazi slogans like Juden raus (Jews out) and Wir sind zuruck (We [nazis] are back) on others.

Paul Peters' vandalism at Oosterhout Jewish cemetery

The NVU thought these crimes were bad publicity, and expelled Peters. However, that conflict now seems to be over, as the NVU participated in the Pro Patria march and praised it. They say they will be at the 20 September march as well.

NVU member Johnboy Willemse on the left of the banner at the 10 August march

Geert Wilders, of the Dutch xenophobic party PVV, unlike the NVU, did not participate in the 10 August march. However, he has announced he does want to participate on 20 September.

When Wilders started the PVV, he claimed he did not want to cooperate with anti-Semitic parties, like Vlaams Belang in Belgium and Le Pen’s National Front in France. However, this year he did start to cooperate with these parties. Now, not even cooperation with Dutch open nazis (who had already shown up with nazi flags and Hitler salutes at a PVV rally) seems to be a problem for Wilders any more.

Paul Peters’ screen name on the Stormfront nazi Internet forum is ‘Dux Bellorum’, leader of wars.

The official aim of Peters’ Pro Patria marches is opposition to the ISIS terrorists in Iraq. The Nederlandse Volksunie advocates all out NATO war in Iraq with ISIS as a pretext. However, most neonazis in the Netherlands are too stupid to know where Iraq is. The Pro Patria marches are pretexts for beating up bystanders whose complexion the violent extreme Right does not like.

See also here. And here.

22 thoughts on “Geert Wilders joins Dutch Hitler fans in anti-immigrant march

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