Jail killer Elon Musk, his workers say

This video from the USA says about itself:

Jail Tesla Billionaire Elon Musk & Defend Health & Safety: Workers Speak Out On 4/16/20 At Tesla

Workers and a Tesla worker spoke out about the illegal start-up of Elon Musk‘s Tesla plant in Fremont, California on 5/16/20. Owner Elon Musk illegally started mass production at the plant despite the Alameda county Shelter In Place law. Both the City of Fremont as well as Governor Gavin Newsom refuse to enforce the law and also have an inspection by Cal-OSHA to see what the conditions are in the plant. The Fremont police were supposedly checking on safety at the plant yet they have no health and safety training.

Tesla worker Gabriel Carlos spoke out about his concerns on the plant safety and also threats that he has received from the company if he did not return to work.

Speakers from UPWA also called for the hiring of 1,000 Cal-OSHA inspectors and the inspection of workplaces to protect the health and safety of workers, their families and the public. There are less than 200 OSHA inspectors in California and only 1 doctor and 1 nurse for California’s 18 million workers.

Speakers also called for the arrest of Elon Musk who has been backed up by President Trump who is greeting his defiance of the law.

Not just fellow billionaire Donald Trump backs Musk’s Russian roulette with his workers’ lives. So does the main neo-nazi internet site in the USA, the Daily Stormer.

Some Tesla factory employees say they’re being pressured to return to work: here.

Tesla reportedly failed to tell regulators about dozens of factory injuries, then claimed without evidence that regulators praised its record-keeping: here.

How Tesla and its doctor made sure injured employees didn’t get workers’ compensation: here.

Grimes’ mom blasts Elon Musk for “blaring” men’s rights “bulls**t on Twitter.”

44 thoughts on “Jail killer Elon Musk, his workers say

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