COVID-19 pandemic disaster, worldwide

This 11 June 2020 video says about itself:

Inside a Mexican intensive care unit battling COVID-19

Mexico has reported a record daily rise of more than 4,800 cases of the coronavirus and more than 15,300 people there have died.

Doctors and nurses on the front lines have been protesting over the lack of training and protective equipment as they treat patients.

Al Jazeera’s John Holman reports from an intensive care unit in Mexico City.

Young maquiladora factory workers dying in droves in US/Mexico border towns. By Norissa Santa Cruz, 11 June 2020. Defying the myth that COVID-19 primarily kills the elderly, young people who work in US-owned maquiladora factories in border towns such as Tijuana and Juarez are dying at alarming rates.

Lockdowns may have averted 531 million coronavirus infections. In the United States alone, an estimated 60 million infections were avoided, researchers say: here.

Report finds European lockdowns saved millions of lives, ending it threatens millions. By Thomas Scripps, 11 June 2020. The report is an indictment of governments’ initial delays in implementing public health measures and a warning of the terrible consequences of the return to business as usual.

USA: Growing anger among US workers as COVID-19 rips through workplaces. By Tom Hall and Jerry White, 11 June 2020. As plants and factories have become major centers of COVID-19 transmission, meat processing workers in Utah and sanitation workers in Philadelphia protested to demand safe working conditions.

As company becomes world’s most valuable automaker. Six Tesla workers test positive for coronavirus at Bay Area factories. By Jonathan Burleigh, 11 June 2020. Less than a month after Tesla strongarmed local government into allowing a premature restart of production, six factory workers have tested positive for the coronavirus.

TRUMP IS ACTING LIKE CORONAVIRUS IS GONE AS 2ND WAVE HITS On Wednesday, the number of U.S. coronavirus cases leapt passed 2 million, with outbreaks growing in 21 states and more than a dozen states seeing record surges. But President Donald Trump’s latest messages on the pandemic are almost indistinguishable from the one he was sending at the very beginning: Everything is under control.  Meanwhile, Trump planned a June 19 campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where there are no restrictions on large gatherings. [HuffPost]

Eight states that are the new coronavirus hot spots.

Arizona reactivates hospital emergency plans as COVID-19 infections rise in 19 states. By Benjamin Mateus, 11 June 2020, The pandemic in the United States sees surges in southern and western states as stay-at-home orders have been rescinded and back-to-work campaigns pushed through.

England: Transport for London refuses Freedom Of Information requests into bus and transport COVID-19 deaths. By Laura Tiernan, 11 June 2020.

‘Mild’ coronavirus infection is not mild: here.

5 thoughts on “COVID-19 pandemic disaster, worldwide

  1. Pingback: COVID-19 in Trump’s USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: COVID-19 disaster news update | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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