COVID-19 disaster, update

This 10 June 2020 video says about itself:

Latin America: Economic inequality makes coronavirus worse

The Pan American Health Organization says it is going to take a lot longer to stop the spread of COVID-19 in Latin America.

The number of infections is growing exponentially in Brazil, Peru and Mexico.

Analysts believe economic inequality is largely to blame for the region becoming the new coronavirus epicentre.

Al Jazeera’s Manuel Rapalo reports from Mexico City, Mexico.

PANDEMIC ‘FAR FROM OVER‘, FAUCI WARNS Describing COVID-19 as his “worst nightmare,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said the ongoing pandemic is far from over. “Where is it going to end? We’re still at the beginning of really understanding,” Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said of the pandemic during a virtual conference held by BIO, the Biotechnology Innovation Organization. In just four months, the virus “has devastated the whole world,” he said. [HuffPost]

PROVINCETOWN DEBATES HOW WIDE TO OPEN ITS DOORS TO OUTSIDERS Like much of the country, Provincetown, Massachusetts, is in the throes of figuring out how to safely reopen during a pandemic. But the beach town and LGBTQ mecca is facing a pressure-cooker version of this dilemma. Workers here log massive overtime during the tourism season and live off savings, reduced wages or unemployment the rest of the year. Provincetown also has an aging population (median age, 57), with a significant number of HIV-positive, immunocompromised residents. The nearest intensive care bed is over an hour’s drive away. [HuffPost]

STUDY: WIDESPREAD FACE MASK USE COULD STEM 2nd WAVE Population-wide face mask use could push COVID-19 transmission down to controllable levels for national epidemics and could prevent further waves of the pandemic disease when combined with lockdowns, according to a U.K. study. The research, led by scientists at Britain’s Cambridge and Greenwich Universities, suggests lockdowns alone will not stop the resurgence of the coronavirus, but that even homemade masks can dramatically reduce transmission rates if enough people wear them in public. [Reuters]

India reports 10,000 new cases as Covid-19 surges: here.

2 thoughts on “COVID-19 disaster, update

  1. Pingback: Black Lives Matter in France | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: COVID-19 pandemic disaster, worldwide | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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