Students’ pro-climate strikes coming to the USA

This June 2019 video from the USA says about itself:

Rebel HQ’s Emma Vigeland covered a clash between Trump supporters and climate activists outside the Democratic Debate in Miami, Florida.

After high school students’ strikes against climate change and governments’ inaction about it in Australia … in Belgium … in the Netherlands and elsewhere … now the United States of America.

And in the lower tweet, British Dutch primary school pupil Lilly Platt reminds us it is not just high school students.

People in the United States could see tens of thousands of extra violent crimes every year — because of climate change alone: here.

27 thoughts on “Students’ pro-climate strikes coming to the USA

  1. Pingback: Who saves the world? Girls. | The Waterthrush Blog

  2. Pingback: Students’ pro-climate strikes coming to the USA | Spirituality Today with Dr. Carolyn Reinhart

  3. Pingback: New deep sea animal discoveries off Cocos Island | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Amsterdam pro-climate students strike today | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: British students’ pro-climate strike today | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Pingback: Student climate strike in Brussels, with Greta Thunberg | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  7. The field of Democratic candidates running to take on Trump continues to grow — With several more high-profile announcements expected in the coming weeks.

    But there should be one area where all Democratic Presidential hopefuls agree: That addressing climate change is absolutely a top national priority.

    The majority of Americans agree. Join us in calling on all Democratic Presidential hopefuls to declare addressing climate change one of their top priorities →

    National Geographic: ‘Most Americans now worry about climate change–and want to fix it … The shift seems driven less by politician’s positions than recent disastrous heat-fueled wildfires, catastrophic hurricane strikes, and widening experience with changing climate conditions.’
    Add your voice →

    Many scientists are warning that the world has less than 12 years to turn things around — Or else we’re headed toward the worst case scenario in regards to the catastrophic consequences of climate change.

    Donald Trump withdrew us from the Paris Climate Agreement, demolished Obama’s Clean Energy Plan, and is actively dismantling the Environmental Protection Agency and environmental regulations.

    This upcoming Presidential election will have an outsized impact on our nation’s response (or lack thereof!) to combat the greatest threat to humanity.

    Any Democrat seeking the Presidential nomination should pledge to make addressing this threat one of their top priorities: Sign your name if you agree Lola >>

    Demand all Democratic Presidential hopefuls to name climate change a top priority!
    Sign your name →

    Inaction isn’t an option,

    314 Action Climate Team

    Liked by 1 person

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