London Grenfell Tower disaster dead children

This video from London, England says about itself:

Grenfell Tower child survivor: ‘Give us houses that we want’ – BBC News

5 July 2017

A father and daughter who survived the Grenfell Tower fire explain why they have turned down the accommodation offered to them.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

18 children confirmed as victims of Grenfell fire

Thursday 28th September 2017

CORONERS confirmed yesterday that at least 18 children died in June’s Grenfell Tower fire.

Several of those identified were siblings, with the fire wiping out complete families. The inquests, at Westminster Coroner’s Court, confirmed the deaths of several families’ remaining missing members.

Kensington & Chelsea Council was set to hold a meeting last night to decide whether to strip all housing responsibility from the tenant management organisation which managed Grenfell Tower.

Residents say the body breached its duty of care in failing to carry out repairs, ignoring residents’ complaints and in its response to the fire.

A Labour councillor has recommended that residents be at the heart of future decision-making if a new management structure is established.

Local Labour MP Emma Dent Coad is seconding the motion.

She said: “I can’t imagine there will be any degree of trust at all in anything the council comes up with.

“It has to be led by residents.”

Grenfell Fire Forum: Wide-ranging discussion and resolution passed opposing Google censorship: here.

70 thoughts on “London Grenfell Tower disaster dead children

  1. Friday 29th September 2017

    – Privateers used legal loophole to scrap plans to build 706 social homes – New builds could have housed ALL Grenfell Tower survivors

    by Felicity Collier

    GREEDY privateers exploited a legal loophole to dodge a commitment to build hundreds of social homes in Kensington and Chelsea that could have housed all survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire.

    Housing charity Shelter revealed yesterday that developers had won planning permission from the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea with a promise to build affordable housing, but later backtracked, claiming that it would eat into their profits.

    The tactic — known as a viability assessment — has been used by developers to avoid the council’s policy target of 50 per cent “affordable” housing (which by the government’s definition is housing available at anything up to 80 per cent of sky-high market rents).

    A freedom of information request made by the charity showed that out of 96 schemes across Kensington and Chelsea which were granted planning permission over a seven-year period, nearly half used a viability assessment.

    Where it was used, the ratio for affordable housing was cut down to as little as 15 per cent, equating to a loss of around 831 affordable homes — 706 of which would have been built as social homes.

    Shelter’s chief executive Polly Neate said: “At a time when we desperately need more affordable homes, big developers are allowed to prioritise their profits by building luxury housing while backtracking on their promises to build a fair share of affordable homes.”

    In one case within the borough, Cadogan Estates pledged to build 47 homes on the Kings Road, half of which were meant to be affordable — but by using the loophole was able to cut this down to just five.

    The viability assessments have not been analysed, as these are seen as “commercially confidential.”

    The revelations come more than three months on from the Grenfell disaster, with only 20 out of 196 affected households permanently rehomed.

    Labour MP for Kensington Emma Dent Coad, who sat on planning committees for the council for 10 years, told the Star she welcomed Shelter’s report.

    She said: “I know all about how developers wriggle out of their responsibilities.

    “I will work with Shelter to ensure that social housing takes precedence over profit.”

    The findings came as the government’s annually published homelessness statistics revealed yesterday that there are now 78,180 households in temporary accommodation up and down the country — an increase of 7 per cent.

    And three-quarters of this number included dependent children and/or a pregnant woman.

    The charity Homeless Link said welfare reforms are partly to blame, with the freezing of the Local Housing Allowance. It also cited the broken housing market which has put increasing numbers of people at risk of homelessness and losing their homes.

    Chief executive Rick Henderson said: “We must not become desensitised to this serious problem, or forget that these high numbers represent people’s lives in turmoil.

    “We urge the government to support the Homelessness Reduction Act with a well-resourced, cross-departmental homelessness strategy that addresses the root causes of homelessness and achieves noticeable progress for the vulnerable people it affects.”


  2. Friday 29th September 2017

    Residents ‘have lost confidence’ in body

    by Felicity Collier

    Kensington and Chelsea Council has voted unanimously to end its contract with the organisation which managed Grenfell Tower.

    The council said Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) will no longer manage its social housing stock “because it no longer has the confidence of residents.”

    Deputy council leader Kim Taylor-Smith, who called for a new management structure to be established, told the meeting on Wednesday night: “We are listening to residents and consulting on how they want their homes and neighbourhoods to be managed in the future.”

    Before the vote, residents heckled council leader Elizabeth Campbell as she defended the council’s track record of rehousing survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire.

    On the three month anniversary of the disaster earlier this month, only two families had moved into permanent homes while 150 were still waiting in hotels.

    The Bramley House Residents Association presented a petition demanding reasons for delays in rehousing.

    However Ms Campbell said a total of 20 families are now in permanent accommodation, and a further 52 households have accepted an offer in principle.

    She added that the council had bought 120 homes while 20 purchases were in the hands of solicitors and 20 more are under negotiation.

    Victims are receiving advice from the North Kensington Law Centre but Isis Amlak, a member of the Grenfell Action Group, reminded the council that it had cut its funding.

    She said: “It could have been there to represent the disabled people who have been placed inappropriately in a tower block.”

    She cited the case of a man forced to abandon his wheelchair-bound father on an upper floor of the tower during the blaze.

    There was also criticism of the council’s relief effort following the disaster.

    Loubna Aghzafi, a volunteer who has helped the community, said she had donated a bottle of milk dated August 16, 2017 but it had recently been placed in a box of supplies by council workers and a mother had given it to her nine-weekold baby making it ill.

    A council spokesman said it was “urgently investigating” the allegation but it was the first they had heard about it.

    Ms Aghzafi said: “You are desperate to safeguard each other’s rank and most importantly to further careers on the back of this tragedy.”


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