Bahrain dictatorship’s British BAE warplanes

This video is called British Made Weapons Used on Bahrain Protesters, Human Rights Ignored.

The absolute monarchy of Bahrain attacks its own people with lethal teargas, birdshot and bullets, if they demonstrate peacefully for democracy. One day, it fears, that violence may not be enough to save the dictatorship. So, they want warplanes to be able then to bomb His Majesty’s disobedient subjects from the air.

From Reuters news agency:

Bahrain in talks over possible Eurofighter deal: BAE

By Rhys Jones

LONDON | Wed Aug 7, 2013 9:05am EDT

British defense firm BAE Systems (BAES.L)

a corporation notorious for corruption, in Britain, the USA and elsewhere

BAE arms trade, cartoon

said the Gulf state of Bahrain was in talks about the possibility of buying an unspecified number of Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets.

The Eurofighter combat jet is made by BAE Systems and Italian weapons maker Finmeccanica (SIFI.MI),

well known for its links to politician-billionaire-convicted criminal Silvio Berlusconi, and for being driven out of the National Gallery in London

and EADS (EAD.PA), representative of Germany and Spain, with each taking responsibility for particular campaigns.

Bahrain has expressed an interest in Typhoon and the British government are leading very early discussions; BAE Systems is supporting the government in these discussions,” a BAE Systems spokeswoman said.

The Eurofighter consortium is targeting exports as European governments slash defense budgets and has so far sold jets to Austria, Saudi Arabia and Oman outside the core four countries.

It is also vying for orders in South Korea, Kuwait, Qatar, Bulgaria

Bulgaria, the poorest country in the European Union, should give its money to merchants of death fat cats instead of to its people, these fat cats think

and Denmark. The Eurofighter’s main competitors include Lockheed Martin‘s (LMT.N) F-35 jet, Dassualt Aviation’s (AVMD.PA) Rafale fighter and the Gripen by Sweden’s Saab (SAABb.ST).

Earlier on Wednesday Bahrain’s national news agency reported that Bahrain’s King Hamad al-Khalifa, who is currently in the UK, had told British Prime Minister David Cameron that the Gulf state was interested in buying Eurofighter jets to “create a cohesive defense system between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)” nations.

The GCC is made up of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

This could be good news for the Eurofighter consortium’s attempts to secure a deal for the jet with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which was expected to finalize a $10 billion agreement for France’s Dassault Rafale fighter last year before talks faltered, giving the group hope of stealing the deal.

Britain will hope its historic ties with Gulf Arab states, many of them former British protectorates and regional allies, will help it secure a deal with Bahrain, securing jobs BAE‘s Typhoon production line – at Warton in northwest England.

(Reporting by Rhys Jones; editing by Kate Holton and Louise Heavens)

David Cameron entertains Bahrain’s dictator King Hamad al-Khalifa: here.

Pro-democracy in Bahrain demonstration, London

This photo shows a pro-democracy in Bahrain demonstration, in London; protesting against the king of Bahrain.

Campaigners have condemned a potential deal to sell Typhoon warplanes to Bahrain, claiming human rights were playing “second fiddle” to business interests: here.

From the Preston and Leyland Citizen in England:

DEFENCE giant BAE Systems said demand for fighter jets from Saudi Arabia should offset sluggish UK and US government spending as it forecast double-digit earnings growth this year.

The group is pinning its hopes on successful talks with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over higher prices for a historic contract for 72 Eurofighter Typhoon jets, which is assembled at its Samlesbury plant.

Bahrain bans protests in capital ahead of opposition demonstration: here.

Bahrain: New decrees ban dissent as further protests organized: here.

Bahrain: new decrees from King Hamad banning dissent are ‘outrageous’: here.

Bahrain Bans Protests: Human Rights Expert Says ‘Physical, Psychological, Sexual’ Torture Continues (VIDEO): here.

Although Bahrain has largely fallen out of the global media spotlight, a renewed government crackdown ahead of the ‘Tamorrod’ protests on August 14th is threatening to push the country towards a deeper crisis: here.

39 thoughts on “Bahrain dictatorship’s British BAE warplanes

  1. Pingback: How Britain helped Bahraini rulers oppress their subjects | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: BAE merchants of death corruption scandal | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  4. ‘Defence’ label is indefensible

    “Serious Farce Office: SFO in biggest criminal data breach ever” (9 August) sums up the absurdity of the latest development in the BAE saga: the loss of thousands of documents.

    While I’m pleased that The Independent is covering this, I find it odd that you continue to refer to BAE Systems as a “defence” company. “Arms company” would be more accurate. The victims of armoured vehicles sent by Saudi Arabia to crush protest in Bahrain, or planes used by Indonesia to bomb villages in West Papua, may wonder what is being “defended”.

    No arms companies sells weapons only to democracies to use for self-defence. The arms trade is not about defence, but about profiting from violence, poverty and human rights abuse.

    Symon Hill

    London SE4


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