British authorities let Prince Harry off the hook about hen harrier killing

In this video from England, ‘A female hen harrier (marsh hawk) systematically searches the area near a river in Warwickshire on a mid-winter day’.

From the BBC:

No charges against Prince Harry

Two hen harriers are alleged to have been shot at Sandringham

Prince Harry will not face charges in connection with the alleged shooting of two protected hen harriers on the royal family’s estate in Norfolk.

Witnesses say the birds were shot dead on the edge of the Sandringham estate.

Police officers identified three suspects – Prince Harry, William van Cutsem and David Clarke, a gamekeeper.

All three have denied any involvement and the Crown Prosecution Service says there is not enough evidence to bring the case to court.

Well, it being, of course, the Crown Prosecution Service, historically prosecuting opponents of the Crown

Hen harriers are extremely rare with 749 nesting pairs in the UK.

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds say they are disappointed with the outcome and described the shooting of hen harriers as an extremely serious crime.

They said a warden monitoring the harriers saw the birds being hit and heard a shot but did not see the shooter.

In this case, the Society for the Protection of Birds being Royal does not seem to have an effect, similar to the Crown Prosecution Service’s case.

Also on this: here.

Three gamekeepers admit trying to trap birds of prey: here.

Grouse and Hen harriers living in harmony on Langholm Moor: here.

Why do hen harriers find Ireland so hard to live in? Here.

Hen harrier nest in Belgium: here.

Victor Hugo, Verdi, and monarchy: here.

39 thoughts on “British authorities let Prince Harry off the hook about hen harrier killing

  1. Hen harriers at risk in England

    BIRDS: The survival of hen harriers in England “hangs by a thread” with figures showing just seven pairs of the bird of prey nested successfully this year, conservation group the RSPB warned today.

    According to the annual survey of breeding hen harriers only 12 pairs even attempted to nest in England, even though there is sufficient habitat for 300 pairs of the rare bird.


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    威廉 哈利王子猎野牛
    William and Harry ‘off to hunt wild boar in Spain’

    A Royal Disappointment: William and Harry’s ‘Secret’ Hunting Trip

    Royals’ shooting passion draws bad blood

    The bloodsports of the Royal Family

    By Roya Nikkhah
    6:29PM BST 13 Oct 2007

    The Royal Family has a long tradition of enjoying bloodsports, although it has, on occasion, proved a risky passion.

    In 1100, King William II was killed by an arrow while hunting deer in the New Forest and more than 900 years later in 2001, the Prince of Wales fractured his shoulder after he fell off his horse while hunting.

    Henry VIII was a passionate hunter and in 1543, built a special hunting lodge known as the Great Standing in Essex. Surrounded by 6,000 acres of parkland, it was constructed on a grandstand or platform that allowed guests to both view the hunt from a high vantage point and participate in the shoot their crossbows from the upper floors.

    King James I was an avid fan of greyhound coursing and built a hunting lodge in Newmarket. In 1619, he ordered the release of 100 hares and 100 partridges every year at Newmarket races to maintain the quality of hunting in the area.

    King Edward VII provoked controversy in 1868 when he chased a deer from Harrow through Wormwood Scrubs to the Goods Yard at Paddington Station, where it was killed before the astonished eyes of railway guards and porters.

    Kate Middleton and Prince Charles go hunting
    13 Oct 2007

    His son, George V was a passionate game bird enthusiast and transformed the once elitist sport into a more mainstream sport. In 1913, a party led by George V killed 3,937 birds in one day. He also shot 21 tigers on a hunting trip to India.

    The Queen’s father, George VI, was also a shooting enthusiast. On January 24, 1952 – his last shoot – his party shot 90 pheasants, 17 rabbits, two pigeons and three mallards.

    His wife, the Queen Mother, had a fondness for fly fishing and would travel to Birkhall on the Balmoral estate in Scotland, for a fishing break every summer, where she fished on the River Dee until well into her eighties dressed in her customary waders, Macintosh, hat and pearls.

    In 1993, when she was hospitalised having choked on a fishbone, the Queen Mother joked: “It’s the salmon’s revenge!”

    The current generation of the royals are just as passionate about bloodsports as their ancestors.

    Prince Charles and Princes William and Harry are keen shotsmen and stalkers and members of the royal family are said to have been deeply “disappointed” when the hunting ban was introduced.


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