Stop Trump’s Iran warmongering, peace movement says

This video from the USA says about itself:

Trump Pulls United States Out of Iran Nuclear Deal, Dramatically Escalating Threat of War with Iran

9 May 2018

European nations are scrambling to save the landmark nuclear agreement with Iran, one day after President Trump announced he would pull the United States out of the deal and reimpose sanctions on Iran. The 2015 agreement was worked out by the United States, five other world powers and Iran. Former President Obama described Trump’s decision to withdraw as a serious mistake and warned it could lead to another war in the Middle East. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani responded by saying Iran would continue to abide by the agreement and would not renew its nuclear program for now.

For more, we speak with Trita Parsi, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council. His most recent book is titled “Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran, and the Triumph of Diplomacy.” We also speak with Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CodePink. Her latest book is titled “Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” She is also the author of “Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection.”

This video from the USA says about itself:

Medea Benjamin: The Peace Movement Must Mobilize to Support Diplomacy in Iran & North Korea

9 May 2018

President Trump announced Tuesday he is pulling the United States out of the landmark 2015 Iran nuclear deal, brokered by his predecessor, President Obama. That same day, Trump’s new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo flew to North Korea to finalize plans for President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to hold a landmark face-to-face meeting. For more on President Trump, the Iran nuclear deal and efforts to avoid nuclear proliferation and nuclear war, we speak with Media Benjamin, co-founder of CodePink, author of “Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” She has also participated in the peace delegation to North Korea, Women Cross DMZ.

By Lamiat Sabin in Britain:

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Trump’s ‘immoral’ decision clears the path for war

Labour condemns ‘warmongering’ US president after he sets the stage for World War III by pulling out of Iran nuclear deal

“WARMONGER” Donald Trump’s “immoral” decision to break away from the nuclear deal with Iran sets the stage for a new war in the Middle East, anti-war campaigners and Labour warned today.

Stop the War Coalition said that the US withdrawal from the deal – against pressure from every other signatory, including allies Britain, France and Germany – strengthens the case for national demonstrations against his visit to Britain on July 13.

The US’s EU allies were left scrambling to keep the Iran nuclear deal intact amid fears of a new confrontation in the region following Mr Trump’s announcement lastnight. The deal, known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, was signed by the US, China, Russia, Germany, France and Britain with Iran in 2015.

Stop the War Coalition convener Lindsey German said: “Trump is showing his true colours here as a warmonger, not a peace maker. This is an extremely dangerous development which presages more war, not less, in the region.

“Anti-war campaigners are part of a mass coalition which is organising to protest against Trump’s visit in July and to make sure that he is aware of opposition to his plans.

“Opposition to war means opposition to Trump.”

In the Commons, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson made a statement in which he said that he and PM Theresa May had urged Mr Trump over last weekend to not pull out of the pact.

“Britain has no intention of walking away, we will co-operate with other parties”, he added.

Shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry said that the “whole house and the world” should stand against Mr Trump for his “senseless and immoral act of diplomatic sabotage.”

She added: “By seeking to scupper the nuclear deal, Donald Trump has destroyed the platform for future progress [for human rights in Iran] and risked triggering a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, handing power to the hard-line theocrats in Tehran and pushing Iran back into isolation.

“He has taken all those risks without a single care, without the slightest justification and without the simplest rational thought as to what will come next.

“And in doing so, he is also sending a message to North Korea that any agreement they reach with the US will be worthless.”

She said it was particularly important to avoid a descent into more global conflict.

“The idea of Iran racing to develop a nuclear weapon and the US administration seeking to stop them through military means does not bear thinking about … this is exactly what the Trump administration are thinking about,” she continued.

Before the Commons statements on Wednesday, Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt said there was a need to de-escalate tensions in the wake of Mr Trump’s warning that he was ready to impose the “highest level” of sanctions on Tehran.

He also acknowledged that Mr Trump’s decision had shown the limits of European influence in Washington.

And Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned Mr Trump that Iran could restart enriching uranium “without any limitations” within a matter of weeks.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said the risks of a confrontation between Iran and Israel were real with tensions already running high.

He added that he and his British and German counterparts would be meeting with Iranian representatives on Monday to discuss the next steps.

It’s no secret the US has regime change in mind for Iran: here.

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump made the world a more dangerous place by pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, former atomic adviser Mohamed el-Baradei warned today. Former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Mr el-Baradei called the decision to withdraw from the agreement “a tantrum and an act of bravado” by Mr Trump: here.

Oliver North, the new NRA president best known for lying about the Iran contra scandal, appeared on Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday to call all Iranians liars.

Tuesday’s decision by President Donald Trump to withdraw from the Iranian nuclear agreement has pushed the Middle East to the brink of a catastrophic regional conflict that could rapidly draw in the major powers: here.

The Trump administration’s withdrawal from the 2015 Iranian nuclear treaty has revealed deep and explosive divisions between Washington and its imperialist allies in Europe. Governments and major media outlets across Europe were virtually unanimous in condemning Trump’s action, calling for the treaty to be preserved, and vowing to defend their business interests against Trump’s threats to impose the “highest level of economic sanctions against Iran”: here.

24 thoughts on “Stop Trump’s Iran warmongering, peace movement says

  1. Dear Friends and Activists,

    We had something else more fun planned for our message today. But
    with Trump there is always a new existential crisis, isn’t there?

    Call your members of Congress now and demand that they override
    Donald Trump, and restore the commitment to the Iran nuclear peace

    Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121

    The fact is that there is no evidence that Iran is in violation of
    JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action), constraining Iran’s
    nuclear technology development, to fall short of nuclear weapons
    capability. To the contrary, the international community has
    repeatedly certified that Iran is in compliance, as has even Trump
    himself prior to today.

    But Trump says we now have proof to the contrary. What is this proof?
    Not from anything Iran has done since signing the JCPOA, but instead
    a ton of OLD documents trotted out by Israel, that appear to show
    that Iran had nuclear ambitions long ago. This is babies dumped from
    incubators on to the cold floor revisited.

    So where does this leave us all? Iran’s response has surprisingly
    been quite measured, in stark contrast to the precipitous action by
    Trump today. They will consult with the other participants in the
    JCPOA, and if they do not follow Trump’s belligerent lead, the
    framework of the deal may survive.

    But Trump has issued a threat even to our allies. We will not be
    blackmailed declares Trump. But he is perfectly anxious to blackmail
    even our allies, we will actually retaliate against them, if they
    will not join him in his march to nuclear war. Who’s blackmailing

    We don’t make empty threats Trump says.

    No, Trump makes real threats, and they are threats to the peace of
    the whole rest of the world. With the JCPOA Iran could not have had a
    nuclear weapon for at least 10 years. Having demonstrated compliance
    over that time there is no reason why the trust could not have been
    established to extend that indefinitely. What do we lose by slowing
    them down so dramatically? What?

    But if the objective was to keep Iran from becoming a nuclear bomb
    power, Trump’s asserted purpose, without the JCPOA the worst happens

    Trump could not help himself today, in announcing the unilateral
    repudiation of the JCPOA by the United States, from engaging in a
    didactic polemic about the need to take down the government of Iran.
    Uh . . . didn’t we do that once already? Isn’t that WHY we have the
    government in Iran that they have now?

    There is a reason why no bank in the United States will loan Trump
    money. It is because Trump has systematically defaulted on every loan
    agreement he ever made. He has bragged about his lifelong tactic of
    repudiating his obligations, with no less than 4 bankruptcies to
    prove it.

    If there was a plan to renegotiate the JCPOA on the Trump side, that
    plan itself has already been torn up. When John Bolton, one of the
    raving lunatics behind this, published his short hand strategy for
    repudiating the JCPOA on August 28, 2017, in the National Review, he
    emphasized the primary importance of quietly consulting with our
    allies early and getting them on board a back out of the deal
    initiative. That is exactly what did not happen. To the contrary, all
    our allies are vociferously against the rogue action of Trump today.

    And now there is no reason for any other country in the world to
    trust the word of Donald Trump, or while he occupies the Oval Office
    the word of the United States by extension, in any international
    negotiation, ever again. The first fallout from Trump’s rash and
    irresponsible action today will be dimming the possibility of any
    kind of deal with North Korea.

    As if there was any sincere intention of making anything but a
    one-sided deal with North Korea. Because, oh yes, there’s another
    government which John Bolton cannot stop talking about lusting to
    take down. Bolton is not just fixated on backing up a ship to haul
    away their entire nuclear program, he expects Kim Jong Un himself to
    be on that ship behind bars as part of the deal. And has said as much
    to anyone who cares to listen.

    The word of the United States of America is now as worthless as a
    diploma from Trump so-called University. And that is what you can
    protest with your phone calls to Congress today. Trump cannot impose
    new sanctions without express congressional action.

    Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121

    Trump desperately wants to start a major war to try to save himself
    politically from all of his escalating constitutional scandals. That
    is the clearest and scariest thing of all. If he knew anything about
    history he would know it did not save Nixon either.

    And we have lots of other ways for you to demonstrate where you stand
    on the damage Trump is doing in every possible way.

    Lock Him Up Trump popcorn boxes:

    Trump, YOU’RE Fired caps:

    Dump Trump bumper stickers:

    Trump the Fraud bumper stickers:

    Custom Trump Resistance bumper stickers:

    Or if you just want to make a kind contribution to help us continue
    our work, here’s how you can do that.


    And here is the mailing address if you would prefer to send a check.

    The People’s Email Network, PO Box 35022, L.A., CA 90035


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