French racist planned fifteen terrorist attacks on football championship

This video says about itself:

Oslo, Norway Terrorist Attack: Video Footage of Explosion and Camp Shooting Aftermath

23 July 2011

Today officials released the latest news of the terrorism in Oslo, Norway. The prime suspect is being identified as Anders Behring Breivik.

At first, the Murdoch media and others screamed about the 2011 terrorism in Norway: ‘The Muslims are at it again!!!

However, it turned out that the real perpetrator, Anders Behring Breivik, is an Islamophobic neo-fascist.

Today, Dutch NOS TV has an update on a co-thinker of Breivik, the French neo-fascist terrorist, stopped recently at the Polish-Ukrainian border.

He went to the eastern Ukraine as a foreign fighter in the pro-Kiev paramiltaries in the war there. However, he was more interested in acquiring weapons for terrorism in France.

He bought five machine guns, grenades and other weapons and ammunition.

Ukrainian sources says he is ‘an ultra-nationalist, opposed to immigration and Islam’.

He is said to have planned fifteen terrorist attacks in France; against bridges, railways and other targets; during the European football championship, which will start this Friday.

The Huffington Post reports today that the French terrorist had contacted Ukrainian extreme right paramilitary gangs for buying weapons.

His intended targets included Jewish and Muslim places of worship and buildings involved with the soccer tournament.

This video shows the Frenchman loading up his weapons into a van.

10 thoughts on “French racist planned fifteen terrorist attacks on football championship

  1. Pingback: Dutch racists injure teenager | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Tuesday 7th June 2016

    posted by James Tweedie in World

    UKRAINIAN police said yesterday that a French ultra ­nationalist arrested last month was planning attacks during the Euro 2016 football tournament.

    Gregoire Moutaux was taken into custody on Ukraine’s border with Poland on May 21 with an arsenal of guns and explosives in his possession.

    French investigators found T-shirts promoting a far-right group when they raided Mr Moutaux’s home near Nancy days later.Ukrainian agents had been following him since December and had allowed him to buy five machine guns, two rocket-propelled grenade launchers, 275 pounds of TNT, 100 detonators and other weapons.

    Mr Moutaux also bought 20 balaclavas before he was arrested at the Yahodyn border crossing between Ukraine and Poland last month, the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) said.

    He arrived in eastern Ukraine last year and was “trying to establish ties with with military units fighting in Donbass under the guise of volunteering,” the Ukrainian agency said.

    Ukrainian neonazi militia battalions have have been incorporated into the army in the past year after being accused of torture and murder in the dirty war againts anti-fascist Donbass forces.

    SBU security agency chief Vasyl Hrytsak said the suspect had planned 15 attacks on bridges, motorways, a mosque and a synagogue.

    “The Frenchman spoke negatively about his government’s migration policies, the spread of Islam and globalisation,” the SBU said.

    “He also said that he wanted to perpetrate acts of terror in protest.”


  3. A search was carried out at the suspect’s home in the tiny village of Nant-le-Petit and police sources told French media that explosive material and balaclavas were recovered. …

    Anti-terrorism specialist Alain Bauer said Ukraine had become a big source of arms because of the continuing conflict in the east of the country.

    The man detained did not fit the usual profile of an attacker, he said, pointing to the arrest last year of far-right activist Claude Hermant, accused of providing weapons to a jihadist who murdered four people at a Jewish supermarket in Paris in January 2015.

    Frenchman ‘who planned 15 terror attacks targeting Muslims and Jews during Euro 2016 because he was sick of mass migration and spread of Islam’ is arrested with weapons haul in Ukraine. … Moutaux was a confirmed Islamophobe and anti-Semite, and specifically wanted to targets mosques, synagogues, and ‘large crowds building up around Euro 2016’: here.

    Gregoire Moutaux planned to attack Euro 2016 ‘with machine guns and grenades’ in anti-Islam terror spree: here.

    Euro 2016: Gregoire Moutaux ‘Was Ready To Strike With Rocket Launchers And TNT’: here.


  4. Arrestatie Franse extreem-rechtse katholiek in Oekraïne: lone wolf of netwerk?

    In de Nederlandse kranten bleef het begin deze maand bij een berichtje op een van de achterpagina’s. De arrestatie van een vijfentwintigjarige Fransman met extreem-rechtse sympathieën door de SBU, de veiligheidsdienst van Oekraïne. Grégoire Moutaux werd op 21 mei bij een grensovergang tussen Oekraïne en Polen gearresteerd. De uit Nant-le-Petit (in de Elzas) afkomstige Fransman was van plan minstens vijftien aanslagen te plegen tijdens het Europees kampioenschap voetbal in Frankrijk. De SBU vond in de auto van Mountaux wapens en springstoffen en nam later in een garage 5.000 stuks munitie, 125 kilogram TNT, 100 ontstekers, 5 kalashnikovs, en twee anti-tank granaatwerpers in beslag. Volgens de directeur van de SBU had de Fransman bruggen, autowegen, moskeeën, synagogen en banken als doelwit op het oog. Motief voor de aanslagen is het Franse regeringsbeleid ten aanzien van vluchtelingen, de opkomst van de islam, en de globalisering, aldus de veiligheidsdienst. Lees meer:


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