Svalbard snow buntings revisited

This video says about itself:

March 4, 2012

Tracking snow bunting migration in the Canadian Arctic using geolocators, band recoveries and stable isotope analysis.

By Christie Macdonald.

After the little auks of 6 June 2013 on Spitsbergen, we went back to the dog cages west of Longyearbyen village. Maybe, this time we would be lucky, and see an ivory gull?

No, again. We did see eider ducks, crossing the road behind an eider traffic sign warning motorists about the crossing ducks. And a ringed plover.

Later, in the evening, some people of our group did see an ivory gull near the dog cages. They continued into the Adventdalen valley. They saw that the lone pectoral sandpiper was still there; still doing his courtship display flight.

Now, it is 7 June in the morning. A male snow bunting sits down on the roof of a former miners’ barrack. Then, he and his female partner wash their feathers in the little stream.

We go to the center of Longyearbyen. From the church, you can see a ptarmigan flying over a mountain ridge.

We go west from Longyearbyen, the direction of Bjørndalen valley.

Snow bunting male singing, Svalbard, 7 June 2013

A snow bunting sings.

Snow bunting male still singing, Svalbard, 7 June 2013

Then, it sings still a bit louder.

Snowy mountains across Isfjorden, Svalbard, 7 June 2013

We look at the snowy mountains across Isfjorden.

30 thoughts on “Svalbard snow buntings revisited

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