Good Dutch woodpecker news

This video says about itself:

Nov 26, 2010

Dendrocopos medius, Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Tammitikka, First record in Finland, Asikkala.

Translated from the Dutch SOVON ornithologists:

Middle spotted woodpecker increasing

Friday, December 21, 2012

The middle spotted woodpecker is still making serious headway in our country. In the east of the Netherlands this species has by now benefited for more than fifteen years from the expansion and aging of deciduous forests. In 2012 in Twente and Limburg together 303 territories were reported by counters of Sovon Vogelonderzoek Netherlands.

More woodpeckers

The middle spotted woodpecker has for a long time been on a steady rise. This started about fifteen years ago from the forests of South Limburg. The woodpeckers benefit from the aging of deciduous forests, particularly older oak trees are favourites. Changes in forest management, such as tolerance of dead or dying wood, are in favour of the woodpecker. In early spring in more and more places people can hear the plaintive cry of this species. The main strongholds are still Limburg and Twente, which in 2011 already had record numbers: 130 and 125 territories. Compared to last year, with 20 new territories Limburg grew to 150, while in Twente 28 new territories were noted. These numbers are promising for the rest of the Netherlands, of which not all data are known yet. In 2011, almost 360 territories were counted in the whole country.


Also in neighbouring countries middle spotted woodpeckers are doing well. Undoubtedly, we have our expansion due to the expanding populations across our borders. Thus in Wallonia there already are over 4200 breeding pairs and just across the German border nesting goes well too. It seems only a matter of time before the appropriate forest areas in the center and north of the Netherlands will be conquered by the middle spotted woodpeckers.

30 thoughts on “Good Dutch woodpecker news

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