How Trump’s USA became world coronavirus epicenter

This 12 April 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Alarming Data Puts U.S. Coronavirus Response into Perspective | NowThis

This alarming chart of global COVID-19 cases puts the U.S. response into perspective.

In US news and current events today, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the entire world. This alarming chart of the global COVID-19 cases puts America’s coronavirus response into perspective, and it’s alarming.

The coronavirus graphic reads: ‘By implementing rigorous testing and strict social distancing, many countries hit hard by the coronavirus are starting to flatten the curve. Trump was briefed on the impending coronavirus threat by U.S. Intelligence and the CDC in January. He wasted a critical 70-day window to contain the [coronavirus].’

Donald Trump’s coronavirus response (or lack thereof) dramatically impacted the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States when compared to countries such as Spain, Italy, China, Iran, and South Korea, according to the graphic. And Donald Trump has continued to downplay the seriousness of COVID-19 and the widespread dangers of the coronavirus.

38 thoughts on “How Trump’s USA became world coronavirus epicenter

  1. Pingback: Glenn Greenwald, Edward Snowden on coronavirus crisis | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. It is all about the word confirmed. There are many more cases in the rest of the world but they are not confirmed. The same goes for ther number of people died from corona. Most of them are not confirmed. In times of crisis it is a moral obligation to be optimistic. So forget about non-confirmed.


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