Donald Trump unwelcome in Britain

Donald Trump and British Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May

By Sam Tobin in Britain:

Friday, July 6, 2018

Scottish Labour vows to join Trump protests on his state visit

SCOTTISH Labour vowed to help lead the protests against “misogynist” and “racist” Donald Trump when the US president visits Britain next week.

The government confirmed today that Mr Trump’s trip will involve a black-tie dinner at Blenheim Palace, a working lunch with Theresa May at Chequers and a meeting with Elizabeth Windsor at Windsor Castle.

Mr Trump will only spend one night in London, at the US ambassador’s residence in Regent’s Park, where protests are likely to attract several thousand people.

It means the president is unlikely to come face to face with a giant “Trump baby” blimp which protesters will fly over the Houses of Parliament during his time in Britain.

Asked whether Mr Trump’s schedule was designed to keep him away from mass protests in the capital, a Downing Street spokeswoman said: “Prime ministers frequently make use of Chequers for meetings with foreign leaders. It offers a more informal setting for important bilateral discussions.”

But Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard stormed: “Someone who holds such misogynist, racist and anti-trade union views, not to mention his dangerous approach to foreign policy, and someone who rejects the Paris climate change agreement, should not be given the red carpet treatment.

“The sight of mothers separated from babies and children caged like animals has horrified people across the globe, we should not be welcoming the man responsible.”

Scottish Greens co-convener Patrick Harvie agreed, saying: “Donald Trump has not been invited to Scotland, and even if he sticks to Turnberry or Menie [golf courses] there will be huge protests in our biggest cities that will send a message loud and clear.

“Greens will be proud to take part in events in Glasgow and Edinburgh next Friday and Saturday to tell this vile xenophobe that he and his climate denial, his bullying attitude and his racist and sexist politics are not welcome here.”

A spokesperson for Together Against Trump said: “We regard it as a victory that Donald Trump does not appear to have any official engagements in London or anywhere with a large population. Instead he will stay hidden away in country estates and castles.”

4 thoughts on “Donald Trump unwelcome in Britain

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