Britain against Trump update

This video from England says about itself:

30 January 2017

The StandUpToTrump rally at London’s Whitehall on Monday 30th January 2017 drew tens of thousands of people, protesting against Donald Trump’s ban against Muslims entering (or re-entering) the USA.

By Steve Sweeney in Britain:

Huge call to stand up to Trump‘s proposed visit

Monday 20th February 2017

Rally at Westminster as MPs debate May’s invitation to the billionaire bigot

TENS of thousands will demonstrate against Donald Trump tonight to coincide with a debate in Parliament on the US president’s state visit.

The debate has been prompted by a staggering 1.8 million-name petition demanding Prime Minister Theresa May’s invitation to the billionaire bigot be scrapped in the wake of his so-called “Muslim ban.”

MPs, Muslim organisations and campaign groups will join the protest, with events planned across the country in conjunction with migrants rights group One Day Without Us.

One Day Without Us spokeswoman Fizza Qureshi said: “Migrants are not a drain on our society and not bargaining chips in negotiations: they are people with lives, who make a huge contribution to Britain.”

On Saturday hundreds attended a national organising summit as the Stand Up to Trump coalition vowed to stop the state visit.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn told the gathering: “Donald Trump was elected president of the United States by attacking women, by attacking Muslims, by abusing Mexicans and Mexico and threatening to build a wall.

Our Prime Minister rushed over there to see him and has refused to answer my questions about the future of US healthcare companies and their relationship with our NHS.”

Mr Corbyn repeated his call for the state visit to be cancelled.

He said: “This is about the kind of world we want to live in. This is about peace, justice and democracy.”

NUT East London secretary Alex Kenny warned: “It is Muslim children in our classrooms that feel afraid since Trump’s election. It is Muslim children that feel targeted.”

National Union of Students spokeswoman Barbara Ntumy said: “I’m not a Mexican. I’m not a Muslim. But if you want to get to them, you’ve got to get through me.”

And Campaign Against Climate Change spokeswoman Suzanne Jeffries warned: “Trump is a threat to the planet.”

With rumours that Mr Trump’s visit may be switched from London to the Midlands, Birmingham NUT member Bridget Parsons warned: “Fox News said that Birmingham is a no-go area for non-Muslims.

We must make it a no-go area for Trump.”

But she warned against dividing the movement over Brexit: “We want one organisation. We want Leavers and Remainers united.”

Tonight’s demonstration will take place in Parliament Square from 6pm.

3 thoughts on “Britain against Trump update

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