Jackdaws and sparrows of Vlieland

This video is about waxwings on the Dutch Wadden island Vlieland. 21 January 2011.

After 30 September came 1 October 2015. The last full day for us on Vlieland island.

We went north, to the North Sea beach. No waxwings.

Jackdaw, 1 October 2015

However, there were resident birds. Like this jackdaw.

Jackdaws, 1 October 2015

The restaurant tables attracted still more jackdaws. Like these ones.

Jackdaws, Vlieland, 1 October 2015

And these ones.

House sparrow male, Vlieland, 1 October 2015

The restaurant food attracted house sparrows as well. Females; and males, like this one.

41 thoughts on “Jackdaws and sparrows of Vlieland

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  26. Woensdag 20 september


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    ontdek je een slechtvalk op een verre torentrans. Je hoeft dus lang
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    vandoor ging, kijk maar mee!



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