Children abused sexually in USA for immigrating

This 2 January 2019 video from the USA says about itself:

Videos Show MASSIVE Child Abuse At Migrant Detention Camps

New video has been obtained showing just how disgusting and degrading the conditions are in the administration’s migrant detention camps. The video appears to show children being dragged by their hair and kicked by staffers at a detention facility in Arizona. This has to be the first issue that Democrats investigate when they retake the House this week, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

By Eric London in the USA:

Reports document sexual abuse of immigrant children detained in US

28 February 2019

Newly released US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) documents reveal that there were 4,556 complaints of sexual harassment of detained immigrant children from October 2014 to July 2018.

The documents highlight the criminality of American imperialism, which has torn thousands of children from the arms of their working class families after destroying their Central American home countries through decades of war, dictatorship and corporate exploitation.

Individual reports of abuse dating from both the Obama and Trump administrations paint a picture of the nightmare endured by many of the children in detention. Referring to the victims with the dehumanizing term “UAC”, for “unaccompanied alien child”, one report from the Shiloh Treatment Center in Texas reads:

“UAC reported he was abused by the same staff member twice… In the first instance, UAC said the staff grabbed his hand and pulled it towards his midsection while sitting. UAC pulled away, but staff member squeezed his hand and held it over his crotch for about 40 seconds. Staff then slapped the back of the UAC’s head. A few days later while UAC was sleeping, the staff member squeezed the UAC’s crotch area over his clothing. The staff threatened UAC not to say anything.”

The report notes that the matter was investigated but “no findings were made” and that the staff member remained employed.

Other reports tell similar stories.

“Minor said a staff member grabbed him in the crotch area and squeezed after he had been physically restrained,” says one write-up from Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center in Virginia. The report concludes: “The incident was not investigated.”

A child at Southwest Key Campbell in Phoenix, Arizona, said staff “entered her bedroom and touched her while she was sleeping,” and that “law enforcement interviewed staff but only took a report and did not investigate.”

Other examples of abuse include actions by older detainees against younger detainees as a result of indifference and negligence by government-contracted staff.

At the end of 2018, there were roughly 15,000 children in detention at any given time. A report published by the World Socialist Web Site in November 2018 exposed the brutal treatment and harsh punishment of detained immigrant children.

The latest exposure of widespread sexual abuse of detained immigrant children has passed with little comment in the corporate media. At press time, neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post had published an opinion article on the subject since the story broke Tuesday afternoon.

While the media has largely relegated this issue to the back pages, the major news outlets have instead focused attention on the “humanitarian” case for intensifying diplomatic and military pressure on Venezuela

The HHS documents expose the hypocritical character of the claims by the Trump administration and Democratic Party politicians that the US-led coup operation against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is justified by the cruelty of the government and the need to restore “democracy”. …

If the US received reports that a government in its crosshairs (such as Syria, Russia, China or Venezuela) had jailed 15,000 children and was covering up sexual abuse by guards and staff, all of the television talking heads and New York Times columnists would exhaust themselves crying crocodile tears, expressing their outrage and lecturing about the “moral imperative” to bomb the country to smithereens.

In total contrast, the HHS documents show real sexual abuse on a large scale over several years carried out by the US government. Often the abuse is caught on camera. Those either committing or permitting the abuse are adult jailers operating as government contractors, in many cases with state-sanctioned impunity.

In 2018, Trump explicitly called for the abolition of due process for immigrants, tweeting: “When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order.”

Trump and his neo-Nazi advisor Stephen Miller allege that immigrants are “rapists” and “criminals”. They have used these racist slanders to detain hundreds of thousands of people, rounding them up at schools, churches, work places and courthouses.

The broader anti-democratic implications of this pogrom against immigrants are already being seen in Trump’s claim of quasi-dictatorial powers via his national emergency declaration and his fascistic attacks on socialism. …

Building a movement against the fascistic attacks of the Trump administration requires opposing all calls for the abolition of democratic rights and due process. Such a movement will be based not on self-interested social climbers in the top 10 percent, but on the international working class through the revolutionary fight for social equality.

Thousands of Migrant Children Reported Being Sexually Abused While in U.S. Custody: here.

11 thoughts on “Children abused sexually in USA for immigrating

  1. President Trump’s heartless, bigoted immigration policies are fueling sexual abuse and rape–and Congress is financing it.

    A new report just uncovered over 4,500 complaints of sexual abuse of immigrant children in government-funded detention facilities, within just four years.1 Under Trump’s policy of “zero-tolerance” for immigrants, 859 complaints were submitted between March 2018 and July 2018–the highest in any five-month span covered by the report. This does not even count several women and teenage girls raped or killed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents.2

    It’s sickening and difficult to imagine having children ripped from your arms and sexually abused. These families are already fleeing unimaginable violence and poverty, only to be further traumatized by our government.

    Members of Congress have been facing demands to hold ICE and CBP accountable for months, but the increasing reports of abuse may be enough to get them to change this fundamentally abusive and racist system. Immigration rights and progressive leaders like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez have been calling to abolish ICE altogether to push back against Trump’s policies of hate and fear. Join them in calling for an end to this violence–tell Congress to defund ICE and CBP for good.

    Tell Congress: Stop the sexual assault of migrant children and women under Trump. Defund ICE and CBP.

    Sign the petition

    Trump actually tried to justify his demand for a border wall by citing stories of exploitation of immigrant women by smugglers. But his draconian and racist policies have forced more immigrants and asylum seekers underground and into the hands of smugglers. And even after being detained by enforcement officials, they face the threat of being raped and assaulted by ICE and border patrol agents.3

    Congress, at the behest of Trump, is planning to give millions of new dollars to ICE and CBP,4 agencies that are responsible for extreme violence against women and children. And Trump wants to squeeze more out of Congress through his schemes to shut the government down and declare a fake “national emergency.”

    We can’t let that happen. That’s why UltraViolet is joining immigrants rights leaders all over the country to push back against Trump’s anti-immigrant hate and force Congress to defund ICE and CBP.

    Add your name now and tell Congress to defund ICE and the CBP.

    Thanks for speaking out!

    — Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Holly, Kathy, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Emma, Pilar, Natalie, Melody, Pam, Lindsay, Ryan, Sonja, and Noma, the UltraViolet team


    1. Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says, New York Times, February 27, 2019.

    2. ‘You Have to Pay With Your Body’: The Hidden Nightmare of Sexual Violence on the Border, New York Times, March 3, 2019.

    3. Ibid.

    4. Border Security, Foreign Aid and a Raise for Federal Workers: What You Need to Know About the Spending Package, New York Times, February 14, 2019.


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