North, South Korean Olympics agreement hinders Trump’s warmongering

This video from the USA says about itself:

Korean Olympic Unity Gives US War Plans a ‘Bloody Nose’

19 January 2018

North and South Korea will march together at the upcoming Winter Olympics, raising hopes of de-escalation. This, amid talk of a new U.S. strategy dubbed “Bloody Nose” and a U.S.-led summit promoting other aggressive steps. Christine Ahn, who organized a counter-summit of women peace activists, explains.

Under the cover of the pre-Winter Olympics thaw between North and South Korea and the momentary lull in the “fire and fury” rhetoric from the Trump White House, there are growing signs that the Pentagon and the CIA are pressing ahead with preparations for a preemptive war against North Korea, including the use of nuclear weapons: here.

The Trump administration, or a powerful military-intelligence faction within it, is pushing for a pre-emptive military strike on North Korea, in the wake of, or possibly even during, the Winter Olympics due to start in South Korea on Friday: here.


US President Donald Trump yesterday exploited a joint press conference at the White House with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to once again menace North Korea with crippling economic sanctions and a military onslaught. Trump’s comments come as the Winter Olympics in South Korea are about to close and the US and South Korea prepare for massive joint war games in April: here.

Photos of squirrels preparing for the Winter Olympics: here.

15 thoughts on “North, South Korean Olympics agreement hinders Trump’s warmongering

    • Though even in winter you can throw a nuclear bomb. In ancient Greece wars between city states stopped during Olympics, as the gammes were dedicated to the supreme god Zeus. Though now only a few neopagans believe in Zeus, it looks like these winter Olympics do contribute to peace.


  1. Pingback: Donald Trump attacks solar energy, washing machines | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. THE International Olympic Committee (IOC) told Russian fans yesterday that they will be allowed to fly their flag at next month’s Pyeongchang Games, but organised protests could bring further sanctions.

    Russia has been banned from the games, but some of the country’s athletes will be allowed to compete in neutral uniforms under the Olympic flag.

    The IOC says its ban on athletes wearing the Russian tricolour doesn’t apply to fans, accepting this “cannot be prohibited.”

    However, the IOC adds that, “should this appear to be an organised political demonstration, the IOC will take this into consideration in its monitoring system.”

    That could mean Russia won’t get to march with its flag at the closing ceremony, which the IOC has offered as an incentive for the country to comply with its rulings.


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