United States Secret Service roughs up journalist at Trump rally

This 29 February 2016 video from the USA is called Donald Trump Rally photographer Chris Morris roughed up.

After the United States Secret Service threw #BlackLivesMatter women asking critical questions at a Hillary Clinton meeting out of that meeting

By Michael Calderone, Senior Media Reporter, The Huffington Post in the USA:

Secret Service Agent Roughs Up Journalist Reporting At A Donald Trump Rally

The agency’s role is to protect the candidate, not enforce the campaign’s press restrictions.

02/29/2016 03:21 pm ET | Updated 1 hour ago

A Secret Service agent slammed down Time magazine photographer Christopher Morris at a Donald Trump rally Monday in Radford, Virginia, after the journalist tried to cover a protest.

Morris told CNN’s Jim Acosta that he stepped about 18 inches outside the press pen before a guy “grabbed me by the neck and started choking me and slammed me to the ground.”

Independent Journal reporter Joe Perticone wrote that the altercation began when an unidentified agent tried preventing Morris from covering protesters. …

In addition to barring and ejecting journalists from rallies, Trump‘s campaign has threatened reporters with blacklisting if they leave the designated press area, or pen, to cover newsworthy events happening off stage, such as protests.

The Secret Service has enforced the campaign’s press restrictions, although the agency’s role is to protect the candidate, not limit media access.

‘The Secret Service is aware of an incident involving an employee of the Secret Service that occurred earlier today in Radford, VA,” an agency spokesman said in a statement. “At this time, our local field office is working with their law enforcement partners to determine the exact circumstances that led up to this incident.  The Secret Service will provide further details as warranted once additional facts surrounding the situation are known.” …

Some journalists who were at the scene tweeted the disturbing video of Morris being taken down.

An agent of the US Secret Service violently assaulted veteran photojournalist Christopher Morris Monday at a rally in Radford University in Virginia for right-wing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. The incident, which was caught on video, is a testament to the brutality of law enforcement forces and the violent climate whipped up at the rallies of the right-wing demagogue: here.

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