Syria and the Turkish and British governments

This video says about itself:

28 November 2015

Turkey: Erdogan Son Buys Oil From ISIS Friends & Mastermind Behind Downing Russian Jet

Updating you regarding the ongoing spat between Turkey and Russia as Turkey warns Russia not to play with fire in the dispute of downing a Russian military jet over Syrian territory.

We’ve uncovered new evidence that Turkey President Erdogan’s son is really the ISIS oil minister, behind Su24 shoot down.

You can see in the photo with ISIS militants that the son is friends with them and in fact buying oil from ISIS.

By Ben Chacko in Britain:

Turkey is playing a dangerous game – we should have no part of it

Saturday 28th November 2015

The truth about Turkey’s role in Syria illustrates the deeply duplicitous debate going on in this country over military intervention, says BEN CHACKO

“EVEN if the plane was in their airspace for a few seconds, that is no excuse to attack.

“It was clear that this plane was not an aggressive plane. Still, it was shot down.”

Vladimir Putin? No, those were the words of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on June 27 2012, after the Syrian military shot down a Turkish warplane flying over Syrian airspace.

From The Week in Britain, 27 November 2015, about NATO allies Greece and Turkey:

In 2014, the Greek military reports that 2,244 intrusions [by Turkish warplanes into Greek airspace] were made and by October of this year, military authorities claimed 1,443 airspace violations by Turkish planes.

Fortunately, in none of these thousands of cases this led to shooting down an airplane.

The Ben Chacko article continues:

How “clear” it was to the Syrian army that Turkey’s incursion was not aggressive is, well, unclear. Because while this week’s shoot-down of a Russian jet has captured the headlines — rightly, as the most dangerous confrontation between Nato and Russia since the cold war — Turkey has intervened repeatedly in Syria’s civil war.

Whether the plane was shot down after briefly overflying the border, as Turkey asserts, or never left Syrian territory as Russia claims is a moot point.

Turkey clearly planned the act. No pilot would dare take it upon themselves to attack the military of a UN security council member, and one bristling with nuclear missiles.

And it acted to defend Syrian insurgents, in this case not Isis specifically but the Syrian Turkmen Army.

Barack Obama suggests this group is “moderate” and if Russia concentrated on attacking Isis its planes wouldn’t get shot down.

These “moderates” murdered an ejecting pilot as he parachuted to earth and bragged about it.

They then destroyed a Russian helicopter searching for survivors. We now know that the group that did this was led by a member of the Grey Wolves, a fascist paramilitary organisation with a decades-long history of terrorism and racially motivated murder.

They regularly co-operate with more familiar jihadi fanatics, such as the al-Qaida-affiliated Nusra Front.

Those who say that these forces are in Syria to fight Isis are lying, even if rival extremist groups do occasionally come to blows. They are fighting the Syrian government alongside Isis. The Grey Wolves’ focus is on battling the Kurds.

Together with Isis they are part of what Turkey’s intelligence chief and key Erdogan ally Hakan Fidan calls the “Islamic revolution” in Syria.

Last month Fidan was reported as saying that Isis ought to be allowed to set up a consulate in Istanbul and Turkey should work openly with the organisation against Syria’s secular government and the Russian forces defending it.

The Anadolu News Agency quickly denounced the story as a fabrication. Whatever the truth, if Fidan did say those things he was only articulating what his government has been doing for years.

The Turkish border has been the key crossing point for foreign jihadis, many from Britain and France, to flood into Syria on their murderous mission. The alleged consulate suggestion would merely formalise this arrangement.

In September 2014, a Turkish train delivering armoured vehicles and weaponry was filmed entering Syria.

In May this year Reuters recorded testimony from Turkish intelligence agents who said convoys supposedly carrying “humanitarian aid” into Syria were full of weapons for rebel fighters and that many of these weapons had ended up in Isis hands.

The daily newspaper Cumhuriyet published photographs of aid consignments being searched by inspectors near the Syrian border. Under a layer of antibiotics the boxes were stuffed with mortar shells.

The prosecutors who ordered the searches were subsequently arrested. Turkish security officials who carried out the searches were also arrested, charged with espionage. The newspaper was put under investigation for “terrorism.”

If Saudi Arabia is Isis’s main source of donors and provides the terror group with its extremist ideology (right down to a penal code that involves mutilations, beheadings and stonings) then Turkey has been its principal facilitator in terms of access to Syria and is its main customer for oil sales.

Reports that top-level Isis militants are treated in secret Turkish hospitals (possibly linked to Erdogan’s own family), Reuters interviews with Turkish officials recording the military assistance given to Isis, reams of evidence submitted by Kurdish forces and an extensive study by Columbia University’s Institute of Human Rights allow no room for doubt.

The same organisation that butchered the citizens of France a fortnight ago is being supported by one of our Nato allies.

So when Putin says Isis is backed up by “the armed forces of an entire state,” he isn’t far wrong. And the truth about Turkey’s role illustrates the deeply duplicitous debate going on in this country over intervention in the Syrian war.

The missile the Turkmen rebels used to blow up the Russian helicopter was supplied by the United States.

That same US which admitted there were no “moderate” rebels in Syria in September but resurrected the concept after Russia entered the war.

It is not a question of “when” Nato intervenes in Syria. Nato powers have intervened from the beginning, but on Isis’s side.

Liberal commentators have belched out clouds of misinformation about what is going on in the country, claiming the West supports the non-existent “moderates.

They have parroted the Nato line that Russia is not targeting Isis. “Russia’s military involvement in Syria has overwhelmingly focused on targeting Western-supported anti-Assad rebels — not Isis,” a Guardian editorial intoned again earlier this week.

But sharper-eyed columnists such as the Independent’s Patrick Cockburn and Robert Fisk have exposed the untruth of these statements, which anyway make no sense.

“Russia is not trying to defeat Isis, but to shore up the Assad regime,” goes the liberal cry. But it would be impossible to shore up the Assad regime without fighting its most powerful opponent by far, which is Isis.

Despite all the talk about targeting Isis, politicians and pundits repeatedly talk of arming other rebel groups, of “bringing Assad to the negotiating table.” …

There’s no point in getting dewy-eyed about it — Russia is not backing Assad for humanitarian reasons, but because he is a regional ally and it fears the spread of Isis and its extremist Saudi-sponsored Wahhabi terror across the region and beyond.

But as the atrocity in Paris showed, so should we fear its spread. And we should stop making excuses for the Erdogan regime and call it out on the butchery it is letting loose.

Nowhere is the contrast clearer than over the Kurdish forces fighting Isis — the heroes on the lips of Western politicians struggling against the odds. Indeed, since the continued obsession with regime change in Syria among Western politicians precludes any mention of the Syrian army, the Kurds are often presented in Parliament and on our TV screens as the only ground force fighting Isis.

The People’s Protection Units of northern Syria are indeed heroes, and not merely struggling against Isis but doing so in the teeth of Turkish opposition. They have been bombed by Turkey and warned against liberating Isis-occupied towns along the Turkish border on pain of massive retaliation from Ankara.

Now Erdogan has shown he is not only reckless enough to unleash and arm a legion of genocidal terrorists on his own border to destabilise a regional rival, but he is so rash he does not hesitate to risk armed conflict with a nuclear power.

And this is a Nato member. The Tories and their Blairite imitators constantly harp on about how Nato membership is essential to our security. But the events in Syria this week show the opposite is the case. Turkey is fighting its own regional war and Britain risks being dragged in on the side of the most murderous terrorist organisation on the planet. The very organisation we say we are trying to crush.

‘Incoherent and dangerous!’ – Stop the War slams Cameron’s statement [on war on Syria]: here.

Isis and its demented ambitions can only be uprooted by forces with recognised legitimacy. Unrepentant colonial powers do not fit the bill, writes ANDREW MURRAY: here.

10 thoughts on “Syria and the Turkish and British governments

  1. Pingback: Russian warplane in Israeli airspace, NOT shot down | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Monday 30th November 2015

    posted by Luke James in Britain

    Corbyn warns MPs as the Labour right beat their war drums

    JEREMY CORBYN has laid down a challenge to hawkish Labour MPs ahead of two crunch meetings over Syria today, saying they must listen to party members before voting.

    The Labour leader revealed over 70,000 members have responded to an unprecedented snap consultation over air strikes since Friday.

    The results, which were still being analysed by staff last night, will be presented to meetings of the shadow cabinet and Parliamentary Labour Party being held today.

    Mr Corbyn said he “understands dissent” and respects the different views held by MPs, but also stressed party members “must have a voice.”

    He said: “Surely we must recognise that in a democracy, the Labour Party has a very large membership — nearly 400,000 members — and they have a right to express their point of view.

    “MPs have to listen to it and try to understand what’s going on in the minds of ordinary party members.”

    A survey of 2,453 of the party’s supporters by Labour List staged in the wake of the Paris terror attacks found 63 per cent oppose air strikes.

    The Labour leader fought his corner in a calm and confident TV interview yesterday after facing a deluge of friendly fire last week.

    Right-wing Labour MP John Spellar called Mr Corbyn “the Fuhrer” and said an email to MPs setting out his objections to bombing amounted to a “coup” against the shadow cabinet.

    Responding, Mr Corbyn said: “What I’ve done is what I said I would always do — try to democratise the way the party does things.”

    Unite general secretary Len McCluskey attacked Mr Corbyn’s critics, branding them “Westminster bubble dwellers.”

    He said: “The thought that some Labour MPs might be prepared to play intra-party politics over an issue such as this will sicken all decent people.”

    Mr Corbyn insisted he was not a pacifist as he made the case for a political solution in Syria on the Andrew Marr show.

    But he warned the fourth British intervention in the Middle East since the turn of the century could help Islamic State.

    He said: “There has to be a recognition that if we bomb in Raqqa we’re actually going to take out civilian lives. We would not in effect do very much damage to Isis and actually may make the situation worse not better.”

    The Muslim Council of Britain also warned yesterday that bombing would provide cover for Isis’s “vile ideology.”

    President Dr Omer El-Hamdoon said: “The last thing the British people need is another engagement which will cost billions of taxpayer’s money which the government continuously claims is unavailable for basic services, countless civilian lives claimed in Syria which will create new recruits for the likes of Daesh (Isis), British casualties and a new wave of violence and terrorism in an already dangerously volatile region.”

    Tory Defence Secretary Michael Fallon revealed he had personally been briefing Labour MPs on the legality and effectiveness of air strikes over the weekend. But he admitted that the government did “not yet” have a guaranteed majority and no vote has yet been called.

    Former shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna said yesterday that he would vote for bombing even if it means breaking the Labour whip.

    But Labour MPs Jess Phillips, Liam Byrne and Stephen Kinnock, who are not natural allies of Mr Corbyn, all came out against air strikes.


  3. De nauwe banden van het Turkse regime met de daders van Parijs

    Het is goed om te beseffen dat de organisatie die de aanslagen in Parijs pleegde, goede banden onderhoudt met en zelfs steun krijgt van het Turkse AKP-regime. President Recep Erdogan droomt net als de IS van een kalifaat, een grote alomvattende islamitische staat. Het is een beangstigend idee dat zestig procent van de Turkse stemmers in Nederland bij de laatste verkiezingen op hem stemde.

    Na de aanslagen in Parijs van vorige week vrijdag is er een hernieuwde discussie losgebarsten over de Islamitische Staat (IS). Het idee dat Europa een soort van veilige haven zou zijn en zou blijven, werd ruw verstoord. De Franse president François Hollande deed een schepje bovenop alle onveiligheidsgevoelens door de oorlog te verklaren aan de IS. Zijn regering kondigde vandaag zelfs voor drie maanden een noodtoestand af. De politie kan nu dus haar gang gaan, zonder zich druk te hoeven maken over juridische restricties.

    Aanslagen in Turkije

    Het is belangrijk om ons te herinneren dat de IS alleen al in Turkije in korte tijd vier aanslagen heeft gepleegd. In het Koerdische Diyarbakir tijdens een verkiezingsbijeenkomst van de progressieve partij HDP. In Suruç waar socialistische jongeren bij elkaar waren gekomen om naar Kobani in Syrisch Koerdistan te reizen om daar steun te verlenen. Dertig jongeren vonden daarbij de dood. En in Ankara waarbij 100 mensen bij een demonstratie de dood vonden. Kort daarna werden twee journalisten, die onafhankelijk verslag deden uit Syrië, onthoofd in de Turkse stad Urfa.

    Het is waarschijnlijk veel mensen in Nederland ontgaan dat er na de aanslag in Ankara twee demonstraties plaatsvonden tegen de IS. Die demonstraties werden georganiseerd door Koerden, socialisten en Alevieten, en waren tegelijk ook gericht tegen Erdogan. Hij en zijn regime hebben immers een rol gespeeld bij al deze aanslagen. Dat is ook belangrijk om ons te realiseren, omdat we ons anders te vaak en te makkelijk laten meeslepen door de selectieve keuzes van de media en de macht, alsof we met de IS-terreur plots te maken hebben met een heel nieuw fenomeen.


    Het terrorisme van de IS gaat om veel meer dan aanvallen op onze zogenaamde “westerse” vrijheden en normen en waarden, ook al wil de macht ons dat wel doen geloven. De aanslagen in Turkije waren bijvoorbeeld voornamelijk gericht tegen socialisten en progressieve Koerden. Dat laat zien dat de jihadisten vanuit hun ideologische kaders bewuste keuzes maken en niet lukraak zomaar doelen aanvallen. Daarnaast is het geen groot geheim dat de jihadistische organisaties die in Syrië tegen het regime van Bashar Al-Assad vechten, goede relaties onderhouden met het AKP-regime van de Turkse president Recep Erdogan. Tot voor kort konden ze zich vrij bewegen tussen Turkije en Syrië. Turkije was en is nog steeds een veilige thuishaven voor deze jihadisten. En zoals we weten, onderhoudt Erdogan ondertussen ook nog steeds goede relaties met de Europese leiders. De laatste G20-top vond zelfs plaats in Antalya in Turkije.

    Erdogan vertegenwoordigt de legale variant in het hele politieke spectrum van het moslimfundamentalisme. Westerse mogendheden en leiders steunen hem omdat hij een gematigde islam zou vertegenwoordigen. Maar hij heeft vroeger, toen hij nog geen president was maar burgemeester van Istanboel, en ook daarna nog vrij duidelijk uitgelegd hoe hij denkt over secularisme en democratie. Op tv en tijdens openbare bijeenkomsten vertelde hij voorstander te zijn van een systeem waarin sharia-wetten gelden. Ook gaf hij aan dat democratie voor hem een middel was waar hij tijdelijk gebruik van kan maken, maar ook weer vanaf kan stappen wanneer hij dat wil. Ook Erdogans ideologen, zoals bijvoorbeeld de journalist A. Dilipak van de aan de AKP-gelieerde fundamentalistische krant AKIT, maken er geen geheim van dat ze dromen van een toekomstig kalifaat, een islamitische staat. Dilipak verklaarde in Toronto zelfs dat het kalifaat nooit helemaal verdwenen is uit Turkije, en dat de Turkse staat ook vandaag de dag nog bepaalde structuren van het kalifaat in zich draagt.


    Bij de recente Turkse verkiezingen bleek dat de AKP in Nederland gesteund wordt door meer dan zestig procent van de Turkse kiezers. Sommigen zeggen dat deze AKP-stemmers simpelweg misleid worden, maar velen van hen maken wel degelijk een bewuste keuze voor de neo-Ottomaanse ideologie die terugverlangt naar een machtig rijk in handen van het kalifaat. Feitelijk staat deze ideologie niet zo gek ver af van die van de IS. Het Ottomaanse rijk was zo’n kalifaat, een despotisch regime met de sultan, de kalief, aan het hoofd. In dat regime golden de wetten van de sharia. Is het toevallig dat de AKP zich sterk verwant voelt met de IS en andere jihadistische groepen, en zich vijandig opstelt tegenover minderheden als Koerden en Alevieten? Waarom koos de IS juist de socialisten als doelwit bij de aanslagen in Turkije?

    Hoe staan de aanhangers van de AKP tegenover de jihadistische ideeën van groepen als de IS? In een eerder artikel besteedden we aandacht aan hoe AKP-ers en andere Turkse rechtsen reageerden, of juist helemaal niet reageerden, op de aanslag in Ankara. Die aanslag werd, als hij al werd besproken, niet direct toegeschreven aan de IS. Sommige gingen zelfs zover om de slachtoffers van de aanslag tot de daders te maken. De fundamentalistische ideeën van rector Ahmet Akgündüz van de Islamitische Universiteit van Rotterdam staan ook niet op zichzelf. Mannen als hij worden alom gerespecteerd. Recent nog werd hij in kranten als Ufuk geprezen om zijn nieuw verschenen boek. Maar ook andere, minder bekende figuren, zoals Aydin Peksert van NIDA, verkondigen vrij gemakkelijk hun wens om de sharia in te voeren. Desgevraagd zei hij onlangs: “Ook al willen we dat, het is nu niet realistisch om ons hiermee bezig te houden”. Peksert en vergelijkbare figuren zijn politiek actief geweest bij progressieve partijen als PvdA.

    Legale weg

    Dat de aandacht nu uitgaat naar aanslagen van de meest radicale en uitgesproken terroristen, leidt de aandacht af van het feit dat we te maken hebben met de uiterst rechtse ideologie van de politieke islam. Een ideologie die vijandig staat, en altijd heeft gestaan, tegenover socialisten, vrouwen, homo’s en andere ‘minderheden’. En die fundamentalisten konden altijd al goed overweg met rechts en extreem-rechts. Er bestaat een bedreigende symbiose tussen fascistische en moslimfundamentalistische ideeën. En daar moeten we als links duidelijk over zijn en stelling tegen nemen. Waar fundamentalisme zegeviert zijn socialisten, vrouwen, homo’s en andere ‘minderheden’ altijd als eerste het slachtoffer. Dit zien we niet alleen terug bij de meest bloedige aanslagen, maar ook bij fundamentalistische partijen die via legale verkiezingen aan de macht komen.

    Afstand nemen

    Islamitische organisaties en hun achterban nemen momenteel terecht afstand van de terroristische aanslagen van de IS in Parijs. Ze wijzen er allemaal op dat die niets te maken hebben met de islam. Er bestaat een reële kans dat extreem-rechtse partijen als het Front National en de PVV nu de angst die momenteel heerst, gaan gebruiken om de bestaande haat tegen moslims verder aan te wakkeren om hun electoraat te doen groeien. Daar moeten we alert op zijn. We moeten elke vorm van haat afkeuren en gezamenlijk bestrijden. Ook moeten we alert zijn en elke vorm van haat en racisme afkeuren en gezamenlijk bestrijden. Ook moeten we de toenemende haat tegen vluchtelingen, die door rechts op een hetzerige manier in verband gebracht worden met het terrorisme, bestrijden.

    We moeten echter niet vergeten dat we hier te maken hebben met een politieke macht die breder en dieper geworteld is dan veel mensen denken, met aan de ene kant de militante strijd met aanslagen en moorden, en aan de andere kant de meer legaal opererende politieke en ideologische vleugel die beschikt over een aanzienlijke achterban en veel sympathisanten. Die politieke macht moet bestreden worden, aan beide kanten. De moslimorganisaties die verklaren hier allemaal niets mee te maken te hebben, hebben een historische taak: Wanneer ze verklaren dat dit niet de islam is, dan moeten ze niet alleen de terroristische daden van de IS en de andere jihadistische organisaties afkeuren, maar ook de hele fundamentalistische ideologie die uiteindelijk doorsijpelt naar beneden en meer en meer mensen besmet.

    Taylan Devrim

    Bron: Doorbraak 22-11-2015


  4. Bayık: Turkey’s policy on ISIS is dangerous for the whole world

    Calling the world’s attention to the effective battle of SDF led by YPG/YPJ against the ISIS, Bayık emphasised that; “SDF is capable of pushing the ISIS out of Jarablus and Raqqa unless there happens a support to the ISIS from Turkey’s side.

    KCK Executive Council Co-President Cemil Bayık stated that the AKP government blackmails the whole world by legitimating and promoting ISIS.

    Calling the world’s attention to the effective battle of SDF led by YPG/YPJ against the ISIS, Bayık emphasised that; “SDF is capable of pushing the ISIS out of Jarablus within a short time. They can take Raqqa as well unless there happens a support to the ISIS from Turkey’s side. International powers should remove this obstacle of Turkey.”

    Bayık made significant evaluations in his column on Azadiya Welat and Yeni Özgür Politika dailies, in which he wrote about the elimination of Turkey’s barrier in the fight against ISIS, the pro-ISIS mindset growing among the Turkish society and the Turkish state’s multidimensional military and political attacks against the Kurdistan people.

    Bayık wrote the followings under the title ‘AKP blackmails the world’, which was translated into English by ANF English service.

    “Just like what happened during Turkish national team’s previous soccer match in Konya, another national soccer game in Istanbul has witnessed a protest of the slain people. Victims of the Paris attacks were booed and the minute’s silence was turned into a public expression of respect for the suicide bombers. This is the point Turkey has got to today. These cases have clearly manifested the sameness of the AKP mindset and ISIS mindset.


    Has there ever been witnessed before, a community that rejoices the death of civilians so much? The AKP government has made Turkey into a country where massacre of civilians is welcomed with joy. Nothing could ever be as terrifying as leading the society up to such a point. The praise of murderers and protest of victims in Konya and İstanbul didn’t just happen suddenly for no reason. This is a situation created by the AKP government. Besides the political and financial support, ISIS also gets the greatest moral support from Turkey. From this point of view, it is a major illusion to assume that Turkey will fight against the ISIS. Those from the same mindset do not fight but only strengthen each other.


    Paris massacre has proved that Turkey pursues a policy that is dangerous for the whole world in addition to the Kurds and the Middle East. Just like the Ankara massacre which was perpetrated in collaboration with AKP, the Paris massacre was also a consequence of the policies pursued by Turkey. Whoever ignores this truth cannot wage a straight fight against the ISIS. It is no more possible to get rid of the ISIS without an elimination of the AKP mindset and policy. ISIS suffers heavy blows one after another in the hands of the Kurdish people’s freedom forces but it sustains owing to the policies of the AKP government which blackmails the whole world in an unprecedented manner as a political power.


    Erdoğan and AKP always argue that “terror cannot have a religion or identity”. Of course, it would be wrong to identify ISIS with Islam. Even, ISIS is the counter-Islam that defames the religion and is an enemy to it. This is true. Yet, there is another reality that ISIS emerged from inside the Islamic community and geography. This has social and historical factors as well, but it is politically important to see the factors that raised and strengthened ISIS. It is a wrong approach to treat the problem on the basis of historical and cultural factors alone. Such an approach would mean legitimating the ISIS’s inhuman character which is enemy to humanity. This indeed is what is done by the pro-AKP media which doesn’t only legitimate but also promotes ISIS.

    This political support is the very first point that needs to be eliminated in order to force ISIS to draw back. In a contrary case, social and cultural precautions might be helpful very much belatedly. In this regard, it is a must that Turkey end its support to the ISIS, which consequently requires a stance against the policies of the AKP. The whole world adopts an attitude against the ISIS now but it will not be possible to accomplish in the fight against ISIS unless Turkey too adopts an anti-ISIS approach.

    With regards to the battle against ISIS, it is of primary importance to give a fight on the ground. When viewed from this aspect, the anti-ISIS battle of YPG/YPJ and Syrian Democratic Forces is a dignified one. If ISIS is meant to be defeated, it is these publicly supported forces that will do it. Otherwise, it is not possible to accomplish a (lasting) result in the event that external military forces take over the battle in the field.


    ISIS has entered a process of defeat, as long as no wrong policy is pursued in this regard. The Syrian Democratic Forces that involve YPG and YPJ have the capability to defeat ISIS. They can push ISIS out of Jarablus within a short time, and also in Raqqa unless there happens a support from Turkey’s side.

    Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Armenians, youths, women and other communities across Syria can easily clear their territory of ISIS and Al-Nusra. Once the obstacle of Turkey is eliminated, it will mean ISIS has come to an end. This reality needs to be known by the whole world. If international powers want to defeat ISIS, they should firstly stop Turkey from being an obstacle in front of this struggle.


    Turkey is constantly after weakening the forces that fight the ISIS. Within this scope, it wants to make KDP confront PKK now. This is why Feridun Sinirlioğlu (Turkish Foreign Minister) was hastily sent to Hewler soon after November 1 election.

    Turkey wants to make KDP and PKK engage in conflict with each other in Shengal, in addition to intending to create such a conflict over Rojava as well. In this way, it is planning to weaken the forces fighting ISIS and thus strengthen his own position. In consideration of the fact that HPG/YJA Star and YPG/YPJ give the most effective fight against ISIS, Turkey wants to make KDP confront these forces and thus relieve its greatest ally, ISIS.

    The states subjecting Kurds to cultural genocide and exploitation have always created a conflict and separation among the Kurdish people. However, Kurds have become self-aware and learned their history very well today. This is why these tricks of the Turkish state will be defeated this time.”
    Source: NEWS DESK – ANF 20-11-2015

    YPG: Attacks by the Turkish army and ISIS groups continue

    YPG (People’s Defense Units) has reported ongoing attacks by ISIS gangs against villages near the Euphrates and by the Turkish army against Girê Spî and Kobanê.

    According to a written statement by YPG Press Office, a mortar attack launched by ISIS gangs from south Jarablus targeted the Boraz village to the southwest Kobanê at 12:30 on 19 November. Two civilians, including a child, lost their lives and one other was wounded as a result of the terrorist attack.

    According to the YPG statement;

    ISIS gangs launched a mortar attack against Rahva village in Ayn Îsa town of Kobanê between 13:00-14:00 in the afternoon of 19 November. YPG forces launched an operation against gang groups deployed in Qereqozax area to the southwest of Kobanê between 09.00 and 10.00 on 19 November, during which one ISIS member was killed.

    Gang groups carried out another mortar attack from their positions in south Jarablus, which targeted the Qereqozax village and its surroundings between 07.30-08.00 and 13:00-14:30 of 20 November. ISIS groups also conducted a mortar attack against Boraz village to the southwest of Kobanê town at 14:00 on 20 November.


    On the other hand, Turkish army’s attacks that are aiming at the People’s Defense Units’ security positions near Kobanê region borderline since October 24 continue to the time. YPG Press Office reported that the Turkish troops patrolling at the borderline around Silipqiran village to the west of Girê Spî launched an attack with A4 heavy weaponry on 19 November.

    Turkish troops also targeted the Zeytuna position and Tal Findir village to the west of Girê Spî with A4 heavy weaponry at 04:35 of 20 November. Zeytuna position was once again attacked by the Turkish military with A4 heavy weaponry at 20:30 and 21:30 the same day.

    Tal Findir and the wheat silos (sawama) in the village were also hit by Turkish army with A4 heavy weaponry at 21.00 and 22.00 yesterday.
    Source: NEWS DESK – ANF 22-11-2015

    Assassination attempt on HDP co-chair Demirtaş in Amed

    HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party) co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş was targeted by an assassination attempt while travelling in his official car in Amed late Sunday evening.

    Speaking to ANF, Demirtaş reported a bullet mark on the rear window of his bulletproof official car. HDP co-chair said the bullet mark on his head level was noticed by his guards after getting off the car, while none of them heard a gunshot.

    Demirtaş said his official car has been taken to the criminal department of police directorate for an analysis, adding that no cartridge bullet has been encountered.
    Source: AMED – ANF 23-11-2015

    KNK calls for a stance against Turkish aggression on Kurdish people

    KNK urged everyone who believes in peace, stability, friendship, justice and democracy to support Kurds and make a stand against this brutal campaign waged to suppress Kurds into silence and surrender.

    Co-Chairman of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), Rebwar Rashed, has released a statement urging the international democratic opinion to stop Turkish aggression against Kurdish people.

    The KNK statement underlined that while the International Coalition, democracies and many decent people around the world are preoccupied with ISIS´s terrorist activities far beyond Syria and Iraq, Turkey is deepening its war against the Kurdish people as never before.

    Remarking that Turkey’s war against the indigenous people in the Middle East comprises prohibiting the mother-tongue, culture and music of these people, KNK said displacements, confiscating properties, imprisonment, persecution and committing preplanned crimes are characteristics of Turkey’s outright war.

    KNK put emphasis on the fact that; “On July 23rd Turkey declared that it would become a part of the International Coalition against ISIS, but unfortunately Turkey’s overall support for ISIS has since been intensified rather than reduced. Instead of fighting ISIS, Turkey started to attack Kurdish guerrilla forces, the only forces which are fighting and have fought successfully against ISIS.”

    Noting that Turkey has been fighting Kurds despite the Kurdish people’s wish for peace and a political solution, KNK recalled that the PKK’s leadership has extended the hand of peace and reconciliation to the Turkish people, presented a road map and concrete models for political solutions and made the proposal for countries and organizations such as the US and EU to mediate.

    In addition, the HPG (Kurdistan People’s Defense Force) has announced and put into practice many unilateral ceasefires, but Turkey has so far refused to enter into a bilateral ceasefire.

    KNK pointed out that the Turkish aggression, which intensifies day by day, is not only through its support for ISIS, adding; “Repeated suicide bombs against Kurdish peaceful demonstrators, even in Ankara, gunning down children, women and the elderly, destroying Kurdish cemeteries, burning Kurdish shops and homes and enforcing arbitrary curfews are among the Turkish atrocities. The Turkish special military forces [“police”] are everywhere in Kurdistan. These forces are supported by paramilitary gangs whose identities are unknown. They use tanks, armored vehicles, cannons and helicopters. Kurdish cities such as Diyarbakır, Cizre, Gever, Şırnak, Silopi, Hakkâri and Van are turned into war-zones. The city of Nusaybin is under Turkish military siege now for the 10th day. Only in Nusaybin at least 8 civilians have been killed.”

    KNK said that at the same time Turkey is attacking Rojava Kurds, specifically in the areas of Girê Spî and East of the Euphrates river with an aim to provoke a war with Kurds inside Syria too, to find “security” excuses to go inside Rojava (West Kurdistan) and occupy an buffer area.

    “Turkey is denying the existence of the Kurdish people and waging an extermination war through assimilation and barbaric oppressive policies and ignoring the Kurds’ cry for peace. The AKP government has a problem-focusing approach not a problem-solving perspective, and therefore it does not respond for calls for dialogue and negotiation”, KNK said.

    Stressing that the Kurdish people’s call for peace, democracy and justice must not go unheard, KNK urged everyone who believes in peace, stability, friendship, justice and democracy to support Kurds and make a stand against this brutal campaign waged to suppress Kurds into silence and surrender.

    KNK ended its statement by calling on everyone to contribute to a peaceful solution.
    Source: NEWS DESK – ANF 24-11-2015


  5. Pingback: British Blairite ‘Labourites’ support Cameron’s war on Syria | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Wednesday 9th December 2015

    posted by Morning Star in World

    by James Tweedie and Luke James in Westminster

    TURKEY said it had withdrawn its uninvited troops from northern Iraq yesterday as Russia took the matter to the UN security council.

    Ankara claimed it was reinforcing an anti-Islamic State (Isis) training mission for Kurdish forces — opposed to the separatist Kurdistan Workers’ Party — and police driven from nearby oil-rich Mosul.

    But Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said that the Turkish troops were sent in without the knowledge or consent of his government.

    Mr Abadi also accused Turkey of allowing Isis recruits into Iraq and the oil that funds Isis to be smuggled out.

    But by yesterday afternoon Ankara said it had withdrawn its forces.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry has also condemned the bombing on Monday of Syrian troops in the Isis-besieged city of Deir el-Zour, which it blamed on the US. Washington has in turn blamed Moscow for the attack.

    Russia also slammed the US for an attack that killed more than 20 civilians in Hassakeh province.

    Moscow has reportedly deployed a submarine armed with cruise missiles off Syria’s coast, while Washington has sent the aircraft carrier USS Harry S Truman to the Mediterranean.

    US Secretary of State John Kerry said yesterday that the next round of talks on ending the war — in New York later this month — depended on the outcome of a summit of opposition groups in Saudi Arabia that began yesterday.

    Islamic fundamentalist militias Jaysh al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham are present at the meeting in Riyadh, which is seen as a push for a united front against negotiation with the government of President Bashar al-Assad.


  7. Minister quits over far-right contacts

    SWEDEN: Green Party housing minister Mehmet Kaplan resigned yesterday amid questions over his contacts with Islamists and ultra-nationalists from his native Turkey.

    Mr Kaplan claimed to have done nothing wrong but was resigning because criticism was interfering with his ability to do his job.

    He came under pressure after media published photos of him dining with Turkish Swedish leaders, including the local leader of the far-right Grey Wolves.


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  9. Pingback: Bloody bombing of wedding in Turkey | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  10. Pingback: Free speech threatened in Turkey | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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