Gay Syrian refugee murdered in Turkey

Murdered Syrian refugee Wisam Mohammed Sankara

Translated from Turkish daily Cumhuriyet, 3 August 2016:

Syrian gay refugee murdered by beheading in Istanbul

Syrian gay refugee Wisam Mohammed Sankara left his house in Aksaray street, Istanbul, Yenikapı quarter,the night of July 30. The next day he was found dead. Because of beheading, Wisam’s body had become unrecognizable. The perpetrators have not been caught yet.

[A friend of Wisam’s said:]

“Saturday night 30th oF June Wisam went out of the house. We already were nervous because of threats in the environment. We told him not to go, but a 15-20 minute walk on the street should be possible, he said. He did not come home all night. The next day we could not find Wisam, which distressed us. We went to the Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants Association (ASAM-STEP). They directed us to the police department. How can we get safety, as even they did not know what to say?”

Flatmates of gay Syrian refugee beheaded in Turkey fear they will be next. Three friends of Wisam Sankari, who was killed in a homophobic attack in Istanbul last week, say they have received death threats: here.