Skylark, stonechat, and oak eggar caterpillar

This video is about a yellowhammer singing.

After 5 May 2015, 6 May in and around Dwingelderveld national park in Drenthe.

Early in the morning, a red squirrel outside.

In the Dwingelose heide heathland, a yellowhammer sings.

A curlew calls.

Moss, 6 May 2015

Not just heather grows here: eg, moss as well.

Many skylarks fly up and down, singing.

Skylark, 6 May 2015

One skylark, a bit atypically, sits down on a bush.

A kestrel flies overhead.

Oak eggar caterpillar, 6 May 2015

On the sandy path along the bicycle track, oak eggar caterpillars. These hairy caterpillars, common in Dwingelderveld at this time of the year, may irritate people’s skins. Some birds don’t like to feed on hairy caterpillars like these; but, eg, cuckoos don’t mind.

Near a lakelet, a northern lapwing couple flying and calling. And a redshank.

From the hide, again two black-necked grebes. And tufted ducks.

On the bank of Holtveenslenk lake, a spoonbill. While a grey heron flies away.

A long-tailed tit in a tree.

Stonechat male, on 6 April 2015

Then, a male stonechat.

29 thoughts on “Skylark, stonechat, and oak eggar caterpillar

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