Autumn mushrooms and birds

Armillaria mellea, Elswout, 10 November 2013

10 November 2013. To Elswout estate. Near the entrance, a jay calls. Among the fallen leaves, big old Armillaria mellea mushrooms; photographed, like the other pictures in this blog post, with a mobile phone.

Ramaria fagetorum

A bit further, next to beech trees, Ramaria fagetorum fungi. Elswout is one of few places in the Netherlands where this species grows.

Amethyst deceiver fungus, Elswout, 10 November 2013

Then, an amethyst deceiver fungus.

A blackbird calls.

Ascotremella faginea fungi.

Robin and nuthatch sounds.

White domecap, Elswout, 10 November 2013

White domecap mushrooms.

White coral fungi.

Ascocoryne sarcoides, Elswout, 10 November 2013

Ascocoryne sarcoides is present as well.

A buzzard circling in the air.

Sulphur tuft fungi.

Triple earthstar, Elswout, 10 November 2013

Then, beautiful triple earthstars.

Stay tuned, as there will be more Elswout fungi on this blog.

Myriostoma coliforme earthstars: here.

16 thoughts on “Autumn mushrooms and birds

  1. Pingback: Autumn mushrooms, continued | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: More autumn mushrooms | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Beech martens and hedgehogs videos | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Fungi and birds | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Fungi and birds | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  7. Pingback: Four earthstar fungi species discovered in the Netherlands | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  8. Pingback: Good Dutch wildlife news | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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