Immigrant workers unpaid, shot in Greece

Worker, injured by gun attack in Manolada, Greece

From I can’t relax in Greece blog:

Manolada victims detail grim conditions

Posted on 26/04/2013 by icantrelaxingreece

Greek Council for Refugees and Doctors of the World hear from 92 victims of shooting incident.

Migrant strawberry pickers confirm that they hadn’t been paid in six months and that the foremen shot at them on the third day of a protest, when they expressed a willingness to go on strike

Eleven-hour working days, seven days a week. A place to sleep in a shack with no running water, heating or toilets. And all for a free meal and the promise of €22 a day. But in reality, you were left without a cent for your work for over six months.

(Read the full article on Eleftherotypia’s website:

Greek farmers who shot 28 Bangladeshi strawberry pickers for demanding pay walk free from court in ‘scandalous, racist’ verdict: here. And here. And here.

Racism, Exploitation, Violence: The Reality of Migrants’ Lives in Greece: here. See also here.

Deutsche Welle: Racism increases in Greece: here.

Two policemen suspended, charged with battery of an Afghani national: here.

Invasions in hospitals. [Greek nazis] Golden Dawn’s announcement that tomorrow they will be donating “blood for Greeks” has alarmed the employees in hospitals throughout the country: here.

Southern Greece: a journalist attacked by neo-nazis in the hospital of Tripolis: here.

Dawnofthegreeks blog writes about this video:

The personnel of the General hospital of Samos island refused to facilitate the racist blood donating campaign “blood only for Greeks”  which was organized by the neo-nazi party Golden Dawn yesterday. The people on the video mentioned that blood donating is a humanitarian act to every person who needs it, no matter what ethnicity, skin colour, language etc…

A 23 years old woman died yesterday on April 29 after being in coma since April 9 in the hospital. She had been brutally attacked by her partner. The perpetrator, well known to the greek authorities for his “political activities”, he is photographed by the Greek media these days as a member of Golden Dawn. According the greek media the perpetrator was also involved in a murderous attack against communist party (KKE) members before the last elections at the main square of Agia Paraskevi (suburb of Athens). Till now ge is not arrested by the police: here.

A Golden Dawn MP reportedly struck a 12-year-old girl on Thursday while attempting to assault Athens mayor Yiorgos Kaminis after the mayor successfully stopped a Greeks-only food handout on Syntagma Square by the extreme right party: here. And here.

Greece found guilty of violating immigrants’ human rights: here.

Walls across Attiki (Athens) and the city of Patras were pasted with 2,000 copies of this poster. The reason that kitchen and home delivery workers at ‘pizza fan’ stores (pizza franchise chain in Greece) made this flyposting was to speak about the death of Bulgarian-born Radka Nikolova at work in the Patras pizza fan store on Aghias Sofias street. Her death was largely and conveniently attributed to heart condition. However, the poster text describes the working conditions during the morning shift (i.e. when Radka lost her life): here.

Greece: The bill for the penal treatment of racist violence and xenophobia that was being promoted by the ministry of Justice gets – at least for now – frozen: here.

Golden Dawn MP stopped from taking gun into parliament: here.

Greeks Fight Canadian Gold-Diggers: here. And here.

28 thoughts on “Immigrant workers unpaid, shot in Greece

  1. Pingback: Japanese billionaire wants poverty for workers | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Greek nazis burn Roma people’s homes | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Egyptian cement factory management use live ammunition against strikers

    Workers from a cement factory in Aswan, Upper Egypt, were attacked on May 5 by security personnel. According to a statement released by the Centre for Trade Union and Workers’ Services (CTUWS), more than 350 workers announced a strike last Friday, according to the Daily News Egypt. The workers had taken industrial action to demand amendments to holiday entitlements, adjustments to staff wages, and the appointment of short-term contract workers.

    According to the CTUWS, the factory’s management and director of security decided to end the strike by force, using live ammunition. The factory owner had promised repeatedly to amend staff salaries and hire 250 short-term employees. There are no laws which regulate the time off staff can take, meaning that workers are often subjected to 26 consecutive days of work, 12 hours a day, without compensation. They receive just eight days of unpaid leave and earn roughly EGP 35 a day.

    “Workers are also said to lack clean drinking water at work, forcing employees to drink water from a nearby well”, said Daily News Egypt, adding, “CTUWS said that it feared that the attack on the strikers could prompt retaliation from tribes associated with the workers.”


  4. Pingback: Greek racist violence against Afghan refugee boy | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Florida’s tomato farms supply 50% of all U.S. fresh tomatoes – but have also been called America’s “ground zero for slavery.”

    The Fair Food Program is working to enforce a policy of zero tolerance for slavery on tomato farms. But a major U.S. supermarket chain, Publix Super Markets, is refusing to support the Fair Food Program.

    Tell Publix to Support Fair Food.

    Thanks for all you do!

    Bob Fertik


    Walk Free: The Movement to End Modern Slavery

    Dear Activist,

    Florida’s tomato farms supply 50% of all U.S. fresh tomatoes – but have also been called America’s “ground zero for slavery.” Countless workers held against their will, threatened with violence and forced to haul hundreds of heavy tomato buckets a day for little to no pay.

    Thankfully, a new solution called the Fair Food Program has been proven successful. The Fair Food Program is working to enforce a policy of zero tolerance for slavery on tomato farms.

    But a major U.S. supermarket chain, Publix Super Markets, is refusing to support the Fair Food Program. Publix continues to buy tomatoes from growers that are not partners of the Fair Food Program and where workers still toil beyond the reach of its proven protection from modern slavery.

    Please Tell Publix to Support Fair Food.

    Leading brands including Subway, Whole Foods Market, McDonald’s and Trader Joe’s have already joined the fight against forced labor and now only buy tomatoes from growers who comply with the following Fair Food Principles:

    · A code of conduct for tomato growers;
    · Complaint mechanisms for farmworkers;
    · Education sessions to help workers understand their rights; and
    · Regular auditing of farm operations.

    Will Publix Super Markets, which prides itself on making Fortune’s “Best Companies to Work For” list, continue to turn a blind eye and give excuses, or will it leverage its vast market influence and lead the way in cleaning up slavery in the tomato supply chain once and for all?

    Tell Publix to make the right decision to join the Fair Food Program – and ensure our tomatoes meet the highest human rights standards in the food industry today.


  6. Pingback: Greek nazis threaten ‘slaughter’ of Muslims | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  7. Socialists push for anti-racism laws after coalition talks fail

    Tuesday 28 May 2013

    Greece’s coalition government has failed to agree on proposed anti-racism legislation designed to fight a surge in anti-immigrant violence.

    Conservative Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and his two centre-left minority partners failed to strike a deal about the Bill on Monday.

    Socialist Pasok party chief Evangelos Venizelos said that if the government fails to back the law, Pasok will try to pass its own draft legislation with the support of opposition parties.

    He said Greece has “an international obligation” to have “all-encompassing legislation against pro-nazi and violent racist behaviour.

    “Greece has a political grouping that is unabashedly nazi and organises acts that essentially breach the rule of law,” Mr Venizelos added.

    International human rights groups have expressed strong support for the proposed reforms, following a surge in racially motivated attacks against immigrants and the rise of the far-right Golden Dawn party, which won 18 seats in the 300-member parliament in last year’s election.

    The Bill, which criminalises incitement to commit racial violence and denying nazi crimes during World War II, has already been submitted to parliament by left-wing Justice Minister Antonis Roupakiotis.

    The Racist Violence Recording Network reported 87 serious incidents of racist violence in Greece in the first nine months of last year, including a bomb attack on refugee homes in Athens and dozens of street attacks that led to serious injury.


  8. Pingback: Black Panthers against Greek nazis | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  9. Pingback: Greek nazi violence against Iraq war refugee | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  10. Pingback: Greek nazi violence against Iraq war refugee | Ώρα Κοινής Ανησυχίας

  11. Pingback: Greece, racism and anti-racism | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  12. A new video has been published by militant antifascists in Patra concerning the classes with police and nazis . All the previous months anarchist and antifa groups have organized mass demonstrations and counter events opposing the fascist activities in the city. As a result many fascists were injured or were forced to go below the police lines for protection. The situation with nazis in Patra has increasingly getting harder with various incidents of violence against young people, migrants etc. The latest incidents of fascist violence took place few weeks ago when a 17 years old pupil was brutally beaten up by nazis in a main street of the city.


  13. Pingback: Jewish Greek persecuted for anti-nazism | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  14. Pingback: Qatar, football and human rights violations | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  15. GREECE: A strawberry farmer and three of his foremen went on trial in Patras today over a shotgun attack on a group of Bangladeshi migrant laborers protesting about unpaid wages.

    Last year’s shootings near Manolada wounded 28 and the suspects have been charged with human trafficking and breaches of firearms and employment laws, while attempted murder charges have been reduced to grievous bodily harm.


  16. Pingback: Romanian workers exploited in England | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  17. Pingback: Migrant fruit pickers in Greece strike over exploitation and racism | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  18. Pingback: Greek demonstrators remember military dictatorship | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  19. Pingback: Bangladeshi workers shot by Greek racists, fined by court | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  21. Pingback: Another worker dies at Qatar football World Cup stadium | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  22. Pingback: ‘Total oil, G4S mercenaries killl Yemeni workers’ | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  23. Pingback: Dutch xenophobic PVV party exploiting its employees | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  24. Pingback: Italian racist mafioso murders refugee from war-torn Mali | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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