American hawk, heron, other nest webcams update

This video from the USA says about itself:

In the early morning hours of Monday April 22, two of the [red-tailed] hawk eggs hatched. Even before the young were out of their shells, Big Red and Ezra started bringing food to the nest. In this video, Big Red delicately feeds their young by tearing the prey into small pieces, giving the hatchlings just a little bit at a time. The hawks appear to be bringing a range of prey for the young; birds, snakes and rodents. In this video the young are just over a day old and are being fed what looks like a small rodent.

To watch the hawks live, go to

From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology:

Three Fuzzy Chicks in the Hawk Nest

Viewers of the Cornell Hawks cam can tune in to see Big Red and Ezra feeding three bobbly headed, downy-white chicks. The first two hatched early morning on Monday, Earth Day, as thousands of people watched. The third youngster entered the world two days later. Big Red and Ezra have been busily provisioning them with chipmunks, starlings, snakes, and other prey, which they carefully tear into small pieces before giving to the nestlings (watch a video). The first nestling’s official hatch time was 6:06 a.m. on Monday, April 22, and we have contacted the winner in the Guess the Hatch contest.  Watch the nestlings live.

Concerned about the nestlings? Over the next few days you may see the nestlings pecking at each other. Don’t be alarmed—as long as there is a steady supply of food this behavior usually dissipates without harming the chicks in about 7–10 days.

Heron chicks on the way! Not to be overlooked, the Great Blue Herons outside our office laid their fifth egg this week. Keep an eye out.

Iris on the nest at the Hellgate Cam

Osprey and Kestrel Cams Return

If herons and hawks aren’t enough to sate your cams appetite, we’re happy to announce the return of two Osprey cams from Project Osprey (in Hellgate Canyon and at the Dunrovin Guest Ranch, in western Montana) and an American Kestrel cam from The Peregrine Fund in Idaho. The Dunrovin Ospreys and the kestrels are sitting on eggs. A female at the Hellgate Osprey nest is still waiting for a male to join her.