Afghan feminist says stop war after Bin Laden’s death

GRITtv: Malalai Joya: A Dirty Game in Afghanistan from Malalai Joya Defense Committee on Vimeo.

This video from the USA says about itself:

GRITtv: Malalai Joya: A Dirty Game in Afghanistan

by Malalai Joya Defense Committee

Osama bin Laden was the reason given for invading Afghanistan in 2001–but he was found in 2011 in Pakistan. Meanwhile, the Afghan people have dealt with ten years of occupation, and Malalai Joya has been speaking out against it for that long. Malalai joined Laura in studio before the death of Bin Laden was announced, but in a later email she told GRITtv: “One of the main excuses of the US occupation is now gone. The struggle for independence, democracy, and freedom should get easier, but it won’t. Not without an end to occupation.” In other words, it won’t change much from the picture she presents here.

Native American Activist Winona LaDuke on Use of “Geronimo” as Code for Osama bin Laden: “The Continuation of the Wars Against Indigenous People”: here.

The ever changing explanation of Osama Bin Laden’s death: here.

Marjorie Cohn, Marjorie Cohn’s Blog: “When he announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed by a Navy Seal team in Pakistan, President Barack Obama said, ‘Justice has been done.’ Mr. Obama misused the word, ‘justice’ when he made that statement. He should have said, ‘Retaliation has been accomplished.’ A former professor of constitutional law should know the difference between those two concepts. The word ‘justice’ implies an act of applying or upholding the law”: here.

Julian Assange on Indian Television: US was suspicious of ISI’s cooperation in hunt for Osama: here.

Michael Moore | Some Final Thoughts on the Death of Osama bin Laden. Michael Moore, Michael Moore’s Blog: “We did exactly what bin Laden said he wanted us to do: Give up our freedoms (like the freedom to be assumed innocent until proven guilty), engage our military in Muslim countries so that we will be hated by Muslims and wipe ourselves out financially in doing so. Done, done and done, Osama. You had our number. You somehow knew we would eagerly give up our constitutional rights and become more like the authoritarian state you dreamed of. You knew we would exhaust our military and willingly go into more debt in eight years than we had accumulated in the previous 200 years combined…. If we really want to send bin Laden not just to his death, but also to his defeat, may I suggest that we reverse all of that right now”: here.

Private letter from CIA chief undercuts claim torture was key to killing Bin Laden: here.

Torture and finding Bin Laden, Mark Fiore cartoon; see here.

Seized Phone Offers Clues to Bin Laden’s Pakistani Links. Carlotta Gall, Pir Zubair Shah and Eric Schmitt, The New York Times News Service: “The cellphone of Osama bin Laden’s trusted courier, which was recovered in the raid that killed both men in Pakistan last month, contained contacts to a militant group that is a longtime asset of Pakistan’s intelligence agency, senior American officials who have been briefed on the findings say. The discovery indicates that Bin Laden used the group, Harakat-ul-Mujahedeen, as part of his support network inside the country, the officials and others said”: here.

Oxfam attacks Afghan police training: here.

Occupation forces in Afghanistan are failing to prevent human rights abuses by Afghan government troops and have been too slow to tackle the problem as they prepare to hand over security responsibilities, Oxfam and other charities warned today: here.

How photographer Simon Norfolk uses beauty to expose the brutality of the Afghanistan war: video here.

USA: the State Department’s 2010 International Religious Freedom Report rates Afghanistan’s performance as poor in terms of religious freedom, with the situation deteriorating for Christians: here.

Every other day in Afghanistan or Iraq, a U.S. soldier or other service member loses a leg or arm: here.

Report: Intelligence Unit Told Before 9/11 to Stop Tracking Bin Laden. Jeffrey Kaye, Truthout: “A great deal of controversy has arisen about what was known about the movements and location of Osama bin Laden in the wake of his killing by US Special Forces on May 2 in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Questions about what intelligence agencies knew or didn’t know about al-Qaeda activities go back some years, most prominently in the controversy over the existence of a joint US Special Forces Command and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) data mining effort known as ‘Able Danger'”: here.

Noam Chomsky, ZNet: “On May 1, 2011, Osama bin Laden was killed in his virtually unprotected compound by a raiding mission of 79 Navy Seals, who entered Pakistan by helicopter. After many lurid stories were provided by the government and withdrawn, official reports made it increasingly clear that the operation was a planned assassination, multiply violating elementary norms of international law, beginning with the invasion itself. There appears to have been no attempt to apprehend the unarmed victim, as presumably could have been done by 79 commandos facing no opposition – except, they report, from his wife, also unarmed, who they shot in self-defense when she ‘lunged’ at them (according to the White House)”: here.

33 thoughts on “Afghan feminist says stop war after Bin Laden’s death

  1. Dear Readers,

    It’s funny how a high-profile event like the death of Osama bin Laden can seem to erase most other news from existence for weeks at a time, in this age of corporate media.

    But, two weeks later, as the cable news channels continue to steadily flash bin Laden’s face across the screen (along with flashbacks to the royal wedding), Truthout is reporting on grassroots protests, digging up the sordid history of Rupert Murdoch’s empire, investigating the corporate-governmental revolving door and chronicling the emergence of a new, inclusive labor movement. We’re also publishing the kinds of critical op-eds and analyses that question the surface meaning of bin Laden’s death and probe its effects.

    Tomorrow, we’ll begin our fundraising drive. We will ask you to get behind this type of substantive journalism – journalism that plunges into the fray and has a real, transformative impact on the world around us – journalism that can only exist with your support.

    In the meantime, please consider becoming a Truthout member with a recurring monthly donation at any level. Members will be moved to a special list with a substantially reduced number of fundraising messages. You can sign up for a membership here!

    Thanks so much for reading.

    Maya Schenwar, Executive Director and Matt Renner, Director of Development


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