Afghan feminist against war

This video, recorded in the USA, says about itself:

Malalai Joya Lecture

Malalai Joya, former female Member of the Afghan Parliament, founded an illegal school for girls when she was only 16 and has since founded more schools, health clinics, and an orphanage. She was elected to the national parliament at the age of 25, but was driven out by warlords—even facing 4 assassination attempts. She calls for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. BBC has called her “the bravest woman in Afghanistan.”

British anti-war protests: here.

A Groundswell Grows for Significant Afghanistan Withdrawal: here.

Secret US and Afghanistan talks could see troops stay for decades: here.

Ninety Percent of Petraeus’ “Taliban” Captures Were Civilians: here.

11 thoughts on “Afghan feminist against war

  1. Huntsman questions Obama’s Afghanistan policy

    By BRADLEY KLAPPER Associated Press

    Published: Sunday, June 12, 2011 at 8:14 a.m.
    Last Modified: Sunday, June 12, 2011 at 8:14 a.m.

    Potential presidential candidate Jon Huntsman is suggesting a faster timetable for pulling U.S. troops from Afghanistan than the one laid out by President Barack Obama.

    Obama plans to bring home next month the first batch of about 100,000 American servicemen currently in Afghanistan, with all combat troops leaving by 2014.

    Huntsman, a former Utah governor who was Obama’s ambassador to China, thinks that may not be fast enough because of the financial cost of the war and because of waning public support.

    Huntsman tells CNN’s “State of the Union” that it’s his “hunch” that Americans want to be “out of there are quickly as we can get it done.”


  2. Twin ‘accidents’ kill French soldiers

    AFGHANISTAN: Two French soldiers were killed on Saturday in separate incidents.

    Military officials said that one died in helicopter crash near the US military base at Bagram and another had shot himself by accident as he was riding in an armoured vehicle near Tagab district.

    Paris maintained that the Gazelle light helicopter had gone down in bad weather and had not been shot down.

    At least 61 French soldiers have now died in Afghanistan since the then Chirac government deployed troops there in 2001.

    Some 4,000 French soldiers are currently serving in the 140,000-strong US-led occupation force in the country.


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