Somali Pentagon allies killing each other

This video is called Somalis in London make a massive demonstration against Ethiopian invasion and US air support and bombardment of Somali civilians.

From Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu, Somalia):

Somalia: Government Forces Clash in Mogadishu

30 March 2011

Mogadishu — Forces loyal to Somali transitional federal government of Somalia on Tuesday night clashed [among] themselves inside Mogadishu’s Dharkenley, a government controlled district, witnesses said.

Most of the confrontation rocked the neighborhood of Bulo-Qaran as local residents faced a fearful condition.

Eyewitnesses confirmed [to] Shabelle Media Network that at least one dead soldier [was] discovered lying where the clash occurred last night.

A woman in Dharkeyley said that Somali government forces in a police station there took the body from [its] place early Wednesday morning.

No statement was immediately available from Somali officials concerned.

Abdirashid Omar Qase, the director of Shabelle Media Network and Abdi Mohamed Ismail, better known as Abdi Ud are in Somali government incommunicado for fourth day illegally as local and international media organizations strongly condemned the move of muzzling independent media associations: here.

Hundreds of Mogadishu residents on Wednesday morning took [to the] streets of the capital [shouting] slogans demanding immediate release of Shabelle journalists after three days in detention: here.

After three days in Somali government controlled detention, Abdirashid Omar Qase, the director of Shabelle and news editor, Abdi Mohammed Isma’al [were] freed on Wednesday: here.

Somalia has retained a Washington lobbying firm at a cost of $20,000 per month to persuade the Obama administration to continue aiding a transitional government criticised as thoroughly corrupt and ineffective: here.

Local elders and intellectuals of Somalia on Saturday expressed a deep concern about helicopters, which come from foreign warships in the Indian Ocean, hovering over the coastal town of Hobyo: here.

Some of Somali elders and shrewd people on Monday condemn the detention of Barre Adam Shire, Somali lawmaker, by the Ethiopian military in Dolow town: here.

Somali parliament members on Monday condemned African Union forces for random shelling on Mogadishu residential neighborhoods: here.

Facilities in refugee camps in northeastern Kenya have been stretched to the limit, aid workers say, as more and more Somali refugees flee the conflict at home: here.

Severe drought, high food prices and conflict have left more than five million people hungry across the Horn of Africa, the head of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) warned on Saturday: here.

5 thoughts on “Somali Pentagon allies killing each other

  1. 9 million need aid in Africa drought

    UNITED NATIONS: Nine million people need humanitarian assistance in the drought-hit countries of the Horn of Africa, a UN spokeswoman warned a Geneva press conference today.

    Elisabeth Byrs said the drought is one of the worst to visit east Africa since the early 1950s, with 3.2 million people each in Kenya and Ethiopia, 2.6 million in Somalia and 117,000 in Djibouti in need of aid.

    Ms Byrs stressed that child malnutrition rates have reached emergency levels of 15 per cent in some areas.


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