British soldiers arrest Afghan beans

This video from the USA says about itself:

British PM [Margaret Thatcher] Heaps Praise On Jihadists In Afghanistan (1981)

10 September 2016

Newly published papers show that one of the country’s top civil servants held a private summit with senior American, French and German politicians at which they decided to provide “discreet support for Afghan guerrilla resistance”.

Read more here.

From the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia:

PR coup falls flat among the beans

Jon Boone in Kabul

July 2, 2009

IT WAS just the sort of good news the British military in Helmand needed. Soldiers engaged in Operation Panther’s Claw, the huge assault against insurgent strongholds last week, had discovered a record-breaking haul of more than 1.18 tonnes of poppy seeds, destined to become part of the opium crop that generates $US400 million ($496 million) a year for the Taliban.

The British Ministry of Defence officials more used to dealing with negative stories about the British operation in southern Afghanistan swung into action to extract the maximum benefit from this unexpected public relations coup.

A news release hailed the success of the offensive and armoured vehicles were hastily laid on to allow the media to visit the site where the seizure was made, an abandoned market and petrol station still under sustained enemy fire when the reporters arrived.

Major Rupert Whitelegge, commander of the company in charge of the area, tugged at one of the heavy sacks. “They are definitely poppy seeds,” he said.

Except they weren’t. A sample analysis carried out by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation in Kabul for The Guardian newspaper and website revealed the soldiers had captured nothing more than a giant pile of mung beans.

Mung beans

Embarrassed British officials now admit their triumph has turned sour and have promised to return the legal crop to its rightful owner.

Samuel Kugbei, the FAO’s chief technical adviser in Kabul, said: “We have been waiting all day to see these dangerous materials from Helmand and now we see that they are just mung beans.”

Poppy seed

Opium poppy pods

The beans also fooled Colonel General Khodaidad, Afghanistan‘s minister of counter-narcotics, even though they looked nothing like poppy seeds. When shown the beans he said they were a strain of “super poppy”.

$2,000 For A Dead Afghan Child, $100,000 For Any American Who Died Killing It: here.

Amid the chorus of denunciations in US and European ruling circles over the alleged theft of the Iranian elections, the Obama administration and its NATO allies are presiding over an election campaign in Afghanistan that is as corrupt as it is illegitimate: here.

Whole Families Hooked on Opium in Afghanistan: here.

Karzai’s vice president Muhammed Fahim and drugs: here.

14 thoughts on “British soldiers arrest Afghan beans

  1. Jul 2, 7:17 AM EDT

    US military: American soldier captured by insurgents in eastern Afghanistan

    Pakistan says troops deployed along Afghan border to stop Taliban fleeing US assault

    At least 641 US military deaths in Afghanistan region since 2001, Defense Department says

    Marines, Taliban face off in stalemate over Afghan ghost town, showing challenges for US

    KABUL (AP) — Insurgents have captured an American soldier in eastern Afghanistan, the U.S. military said Thursday.

    Spokeswoman Capt. Elizabeth Mathias said the soldier went missing Tuesday.

    “We are using all of our resources to find him and provide for his safe return,” Mathias said.

    Mathias did not provide details on the soldier, the location where he was captured or the circumstances.

    “We are not providing further details to protect the soldier’s well-being,” she said.

    An Afghan police official said the soldier went missing during the day Tuesday in the Mullakheil area of eastern Paktika province. Gen. Nabi Mullakheil said there is an American base in the area.

    The news broke as thousands of U.S. Marines launched a major anti-Taliban offensive in southern Afghanistan. The missing soldier was not part of that operation.

    Zabiullah Mujaheed, a spokesman for the Taliban, could not confirm that the soldier was with any of their forces. A myriad of insurgent groups operate in eastern Afghanistan, and the Taliban is only one of them.

    © 2009 The Associated Press.

    My comment: That last sentence is a truth heard rarely in the mainstream media, including AP. It does not fit in with US government war propaganda, but is true nevertheless.


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