More Afghan opium than ever

This 17 May 2015 video is called 400k football fields worth of opium in Afghanistan, despite US cash injections.

Another video which used to be on te Internet used to say about itself:

15 Sep 2010

Military police are investigating claims that British and Canadian soldiers may have trafficked heroin from Afghanistan.

Geraldo interviews Marine who admits opium fields guarded by U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

The CIA is reportedly paying Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s brother, Ahmed Karzai, for information. Ahmed Karzai may have strong ties to Afghanistan‘s highly profitable opium trade.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Afghan opium trade flourishes

Update: Wednesday 13 Nov 2013, 09:48

The production of opium in Afghanistan has never been higher. On more than 200,000 hectares, poppies are grown. …

The UN agency dealing with the fight against drugs says that opium production this year has increased by 36 percent compared to last year. Opium can be used to make heroin. …

About 90 percent of all opium cultivation in the world is in Afghanistan.

Afghan Farmers: Opium Is The Only Way To Make A Living: here.

The Men Who Stare at Poppies: Fighting Afghan Drugs from Bahrain: here.

Afghan opium poppy yield hits all-time high: here. And here.

USA: Leaving Afghanistan, 13 years and $700 billion later: here. And here.

17 thoughts on “More Afghan opium than ever

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  10. Toen de Nederlandse staat nog wereldkampioen drugshandel was

    “Dit boekje gaat over wat misschien wel de beroemdste of beruchtste plant ter wereld is, over Hollandse kolonies en de bemoeienis van het Huis van Oranje met beide.” Zo begint Hans Derks zijn boek “Verslaafd aan opium. De VOC en het Huis van Oranje als drugsdealers”. Vervolgens leidt hij zijn lezers in sneltreinvaart door wel driehonderd jaar ‘vaderlandse’ geschiedenis. Met die ene focus dus: de koloniale productie en vooral distributie van opium, de structuren die daarvoor nodig waren, en de politieke en sociale gevolgen die dat allemaal heeft gehad. In Nederland, maar vooral ook in “de Oost”: India, Sri Lanka en Indonesië. Lees meer:


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